module ActiveScaffold::Config class Core < Base # global level configuration # -------------------------- # provides read/write access to the global Actions DataStructure cattr_reader :actions def self.actions=(val) @@actions =*val) end self.actions = [:create, :list, :search, :update, :delete, :show, :nested, :subform] # configures where the ActiveScaffold plugin itself is located. there is no instance version of this. cattr_accessor :plugin_directory @@plugin_directory = File.expand_path(__FILE__).match(/vendor\/plugins\/([^\/]*)/)[1] # lets you specify a global ActiveScaffold frontend. cattr_accessor :frontend @@frontend = :default # lets you specify a global ActiveScaffold theme for your frontend. cattr_accessor :theme @@theme = :default # lets you disable the DHTML history def self.dhtml_history=(val) @@dhtml_history = val end def self.dhtml_history? @@dhtml_history ? true : false end @@dhtml_history = true # action links are used by actions to tie together. you can use them, too! this is a collection of ActiveScaffold::DataStructures::ActionLink objects. cattr_reader :action_links @@action_links = # access to the permissions configuration. # configuration options include: # * current_user_method - what method on the controller returns the current user. default: :current_user # * default_permission - what the default permission is. default: true def ActiveRecordPermissions end # columns that should be ignored for every model. these should be metadata columns like change dates, versions, etc. # values in this array may be symbols or strings. def self.ignore_columns @@ignore_columns end def self.ignore_columns=(val) @@ignore_columns =*val) end @@ignore_columns = # instance-level configuration # ---------------------------- # provides read/write access to the local Actions DataStructure attr_reader :actions def actions=(args) @actions =*args) end # provides read/write access to the local Columns DataStructure attr_reader :columns def columns=(val) @columns._inheritable = val.collect {|c| c.to_sym} # Add virtual columns @columns << val.collect {|c| c.to_sym unless @columns[c.to_sym]}.compact end # lets you override the global ActiveScaffold frontend for a specific controller attr_accessor :frontend # lets you override the global ActiveScaffold theme for a specific controller attr_accessor :theme # action links are used by actions to tie together. they appear as links for each record, or general links for the ActiveScaffold. attr_reader :action_links # a generally-applicable name for this ActiveScaffold ... will be used for generating page/section headers attr_writer :label def label(options={}) options[:count] ||= model.count as_(@label, options) || model.human_name(options) end ## ## internal usage only below this point ## ------------------------------------ def initialize(model_id) # model_id is the only absolutely required configuration value. it is also not publicly accessible. @model_id = model_id.to_s.pluralize.singularize # inherit the actions list directly from the global level @actions = self.class.actions.clone # create a new default columns datastructure, since it doesn't make sense before now attribute_names = self.model.columns.collect{ |c| }.sort_by { |c| c.to_s } association_column_names = self.model.reflect_on_all_associations.collect{ |a| }.sort_by { |c| c.to_s } @columns =, attribute_names + association_column_names) # and then, let's remove some columns from the inheritable set. @columns.exclude(*self.class.ignore_columns) @columns.exclude(*@columns.find_all { |c| c.column and (c.column.primary or =~ /(_id|_count)$/) }.collect {|c|}) @columns.exclude(*self.model.reflect_on_all_associations.collect{|a| :"#{}_type" if a.options[:polymorphic]}.compact) # inherit the global frontend @frontend = self.class.frontend @theme = self.class.theme # inherit from the global set of action links @action_links = self.class.action_links.clone end # To be called after your finished configuration def _load_action_columns ActiveScaffold::DataStructures::ActionColumns.class_eval {include ActiveScaffold::DataStructures::ActionColumns::AfterConfiguration} # then, register the column objects self.actions.each do |action_name| action = self.send(action_name) next unless action.respond_to? :columns action.columns.set_columns(self.columns) end end # configuration routing. # we want to route calls named like an activated action to that action's global or local Config class. # --------------------------- def method_missing(name, *args) @action_configs ||= {} titled_name = name.to_s.camelcase underscored_name = name.to_s.underscore.to_sym klass = "ActiveScaffold::Config::#{titled_name}".constantize rescue nil if klass if @actions.include? underscored_name return @action_configs[underscored_name] ||= else raise "#{titled_name} is not enabled. Please enable it or remove any references in your configuration (e.g. config.#{underscored_name}.columns = [...])." end end super end def self.method_missing(name, *args) klass = "ActiveScaffold::Config::#{name.to_s.titleize}".constantize rescue nil if @@actions.include? name.to_s.underscore and klass return eval("ActiveScaffold::Config::#{name.to_s.titleize}") end super end # some utility methods # -------------------- def model_id @model_id end def model @model ||= @model_id.to_s.camelize.constantize end # warning - this won't work as a per-request dynamic attribute in rails 2.0. You'll need to interact with Controller#generic_view_paths def inherited_view_paths @inherited_view_paths||=[] end # must be a class method so the layout doesn't depend on a controller that uses active_scaffold # note that this is unaffected by per-controller frontend configuration. def self.asset_path(filename, frontend = self.frontend) "active_scaffold/#{frontend}/#{filename}" end # must be a class method so the layout doesn't depend on a controller that uses active_scaffold # note that this is unaffected by per-controller frontend configuration. def self.javascripts(frontend = self.frontend) javascript_dir = File.join(Rails.public_path, "javascripts", asset_path('', frontend)) Dir.entries(javascript_dir).reject { |e| !e.match(/\.js$/) or (!self.dhtml_history? and e.match('dhtml_history')) } end def self.available_frontends frontends_dir = File.join(Rails.root, "vendor", "plugins", ActiveScaffold::Config::Core.plugin_directory, "frontends") Dir.entries(frontends_dir).reject { |e| e.match(/^\./) } # Get rid of files that start with . end end end