# admin_data ## Rails 3.0.x If you are using Rails 3.0.x then use gem 'admin_data', '= 1.1.14' ## Rails 3.1.x If you are using Rails 3.1.x then use gem 'admin_data', '= 1.2.1' Also add following lines to config/application.rb just below the line that says config.assets.enabled = true . config.assets.precompile += ['admin_data.css', 'admin_data.js'] Before deploying the code to production execute bundle exec rake assets:precompile ## Live Demo Live demo is available at http://admin-data-demo.heroku.com/admin_data (read only version) ## Docs Documentation is available at https://github.com/bigbinary/admin_data/wiki ## Tests To execute tests for this gem cd test/rails_root and read the instructions mentioned at README.md there. ## License Released under [MIT](http://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt) License