Implements iPizza protocol to communicate with Estonian Banks. Usage ===== Add gem dependency in your `Gemfile` and install the gem: gem 'ipizza' Configuration ============= Configuration can be made in two different ways, using `Ipizza::Config.configure` block or loading configuration properties from YAML file. Loading from YAML file: Ipizza::Config.load_from_file('config.yml') Configuration values should be set in YAML file in **provider.attribute_value** format. See example YAML file below in "Configuration parameters" section. At any time, configuration can be modified with `Ipizza::Config.configure` block: Ipizza::Config.configure do |c| c.swedbank_service_url = '' end Configuration parameters ------------------------ swedbank: service_url: return_url: cancel_url: # Your private key file path. Can be specified relatively # to YAML file file_key: ./certificates/my_private.key # If your private key is protected with password, # provide it here key_secret: private_key_password # Path to bank's public key file. Can be specified # relatively to YAML file file_cert: ./certificates/bank_public.crt snd_id: dealer encoding: UTF-8 Payment requests ---------------- ### Building request payment = :stamp => 1, :amount => '123.34', :refnum => 1, :message => 'Payment message', :currency => 'EUR' ) request = Authentication requests ----------------------- ### Building request request = ### Validating response response ={'VK_PARAM_1' => 'VALUE 1', ...}) response.valid? Gateway specifications ====================== This library currently works with four Estonian Banks. Here are their respective interface specifications: * [Swedbank]( * [SEB]( * [Sampo]( * [Nordea](ärikliendile/E-lahendused/787802.html) Helpful links ============= * [Repository]( * [Issue tracker]( Todo ==== * Raise reasonable exception during configuration when certificates or keys cannot be loaded * Write ipizza-rails module: * Proper Rails initialization * Write Rails controller and model generator * Rails helper to generate iPizza request forms Authors ======= * Priit Haamer * Tarmo Talu (Thanks for the 7-3-1 algorithm)