controllers.controller('ListKeysController', ['$scope', 'Keys', '$state', '$location', function($scope, Keys, $state, $location) { $scope.keys = Keys.get(); $scope.showKeys = function() { $state.transitionTo('showKeys'); }; }]); controllers.controller('CreateKeyController', ['$scope', 'Keys', '$state', '$location', 'Notification', 'Response', function($scope, Keys, $state, $location, Notification, Response) { $scope.createKey = function() { pair = { key: $scope.pair.key, value: $scope.pair.value }; $state.transitionTo('processingRequest');, function(response) { if (Response.valid(response)) { // Checks if response is valid Notification.success('Yay! Key created with success.'); // Refreshing list $state.transitionTo('showKey', pair); // Redirecting to / so the list gets refreshed. $location.path('/'); } else { Notification.error(Response.errors(response)); } }); } }]); controllers.controller('DeleteKeyController', ['$state', '$scope', 'Key', '$location', 'Notification', 'Response', function($state, $scope, Key, $location, Notification, Response){ $scope.removeKey = function(pair) { $state.transitionTo('processingRequest'); Key.delete({key: pair.key}, function(response) { if (Response.valid(response)){ // Checks if response is valid'Yay! Key deleted with success.'); // Refreshing list $state.transitionTo('showKeys'); // Redirecting to / so the list gets refreshed. $location.path('/'); } else { Notification.error(Response.errors(response)); } }); } }]); controllers.controller('UpdateKeyController', ['$state', '$scope', 'Key', 'Keys', '$location', 'Notification', 'Response', function($state, $scope, Key, Keys, $location, Notification, Response) { $scope.updateKey = function() { pair = { key: $scope.pair.key, value: $scope.pair.value }; $state.transitionTo('processingRequest'); Keys.update(pair, function(response) { if (Response.valid(response)){ // Checks if response is valid Notification.success('Yay! Key updated with success.'); // Refreshing list $state.transitionTo('showKey', pair); // Redirecting to / so the list gets refreshed. $location.path('/'); } else { Notification.error(Response.errors(response)); } }); } }]); controllers.controller('EditKeyController', ['$state', '$scope', 'Key', '$location', '$stateParams', function($state, $scope, Key, $location, $stateParams) { // Set up the current form text 'key' as key $scope.pair = Key.find({key: $stateParams.key}); }]); controllers.controller('StatsController', ['$state', '$scope', 'Stats', '$location', '$stateParams', function($state, $scope, Stats, $location, $stateParams) { // Set up the current form text 'key' as key $scope.stats = Stats.all(); }]); controllers.controller('ShowKeyController', ['$state', '$scope', 'Key', '$location', '$stateParams', function($state, $scope, Key, $location, $stateParams) { // Set up the current form text 'key' as key $scope.pair = Key.find({key: $stateParams.key}); }]); controllers.controller('BootstrapController', ['$state', function($state) { $state.transitionTo('showKeys'); }]);