require 'spec_helper' require 'berkeley_library/marc/field_info/var_fields' module BerkeleyLibrary module Marc module FieldInfo describe VarFields do describe :standard do let(:standard) { VarFields.standard } it 'loads all standard fields' do expect(standard).to be_a(VarFields::VarFieldList) expect(standard.size).to eq(239) # TODO: more assertions end it 'defines each tag only once' do by_tag = {} standard.each { |vf| (by_tag[vf.tag] ||= []) << vf } aggregate_failures 'duplicate tags' do by_tag.each do |tag, ff| expect(ff.size).to eq(1), "Expected 1 definition for tag #{tag}, got #{ { |vf| vf.to_s.inspect }.join(', ')}" end end end it 'by default, includes no obsolete anything' do aggregate_failures 'obsolete stuff' do standard.each do |vf| expect(vf).not_to be_obsolete expect(vf.desc).not_to include('OBSOLETE') vf.indicators.each do |ind| expect(ind).not_to be_obsolete expect(ind.desc).not_to include('OBSOLETE') ind.val_defs.each do |v| expect(v).not_to be_obsolete expect(v.desc).not_to include('OBSOLETE') end end vf.subfield_codes.each do |sf| expect(sf).not_to be_obsolete expect(sf.desc).not_to include('OBSOLETE') sf.each_value do |v| expect(v).not_to be_obsolete expect(v.desc).not_to include('OBSOLETE') end end vf.inst_or_voices_codes.each do |c| expect(c).not_to be_obsolete expect(c.desc).not_to include('OBSOLETE') end end end end it 'returns obsolete fields with a flag' do lines_actual = VarFields.standard(obsolete: true).to_s.lines(chomp: true).map(&:strip) var_fields_standard_txt ='lib/berkeley_library/marc/field_info/var_fields/data/var_fields_standard.txt') lines_expected = var_fields_standard_txt .lines(chomp: true) .map(&:strip) .reject { |line| line.empty? || line.start_with?('//') } expect(lines_actual.size).to eq(lines_expected.size) lines_expected.each_with_index do |l_ex, i| # typo in standard.txt definition of 880 subfields l_ex = l_ex.sub('Same', '- Same') if i >= 5052 && i <= 5056 expect(lines_actual[i]).to eq(l_ex), "Wrong value at line #{i}:\n\texpected: #{l_ex}, actual: #{lines_actual[i]}" end end end end describe 'custom fields' do describe :berkeley_9xx do let(:berkeley_9xx) { VarFields.berkeley_9xx } it 'loads all berkeley_9xx fields' do expect(berkeley_9xx).to be_a(VarFields::VarFieldList) expect(berkeley_9xx.size).to eq(25) # TODO: more assertions end end # TODO: get these working xdescribe :tind_reserved do let(:tind_reserved) { VarFields.tind_reserved } it 'loads all tind_reserved fields' do expect(tind_reserved).to be_a(VarFields::VarFieldList) expect(tind_reserved.size).to eq(4) # TODO: more assertions end end xdescribe :berkeley_tind do let(:berkeley_tind) { VarFields.berkeley_tind } it 'loads all berkeley_tind fields' do expect(berkeley_tind).to be_a(VarFields::VarFieldList) expect(berkeley_tind.size).to eq(9) # TODO: more assertions end end end end end end