1.0.11 - add RSolr.solr_escape method and add deprecation messages to RSolr.escape (ndushay) - use stdlib URI.escape methods instead of homegrown in RSolr::URI (ndushay) - fix bug with Rsolr::Uri.create adding trailing slash if query params (ndushay) - update rake tasks (cbeer) - add Ruby 2.2.0 to travis ci build (ndushay) - Housekeeping (badges to README, license in gemspec, correct url in gemspec ...) (ndushay) - Improve rdoc styling (udaykadaboina) - Support setting default_wt per connection via its options. (jcoleman) - eliminates the usage of per-instance `extend` (jcoleman) - Upgrade to RSpec 3 (blackwinter, adamjonas, cbeer) - Fixed RSolr::Error to_s (PofMagicfingers) 1.0.10 xxx 1.0.8 - Fix connection refused errors in specs + add basic auth support (Denis Goeury) - Ability to set :retry_503, the number of retry attempts for a 503 response with a Retry-After header. 1.0.7 - Response body encoding is set to response charset in Ruby >= 1.9 - Ability to set :read_timeout and :open_timeout when creating new instance of RSolr 1.0.6 - More dependency fixups 1.0.5 - Dependency fixups 1.0.4 - The "builder" gem dependency is less strict: ~> 2.1.2 - RSolr.version is no longer read from a file - Gemspec updated -- less strict dev/test versions - Jeweler is no longer used for building the gemspec 1.0.3 - Proper encodings in Ruby 1.9 - Applied pull request from https://github.com/mwmitchell/rsolr/pull/20