unless defined?(Sprockets::LOCALIZABLE_ASSETS_REGEX) require 'sprockets' module Sprockets DEFAULT_LOCALIZABLE_ASSETS_PATTERN = %w( *.js *.css ) GLOBAL_ASSET_REGEX = /^(https?)?:\/\// def self.localizable?(path) path = path.gsub(Rails.root.to_s, '') patterns = Rails.configuration.assets.localize || DEFAULT_LOCALIZABLE_ASSETS_PATTERN patterns.any? do |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, path) end end module Helpers module RailsHelper alias_method :asset_path_without_locale, :asset_path # prevent asset from caching by adding timestamp def asset_path(source, options = {}) path = asset_path_without_locale(source, options) if !digest_assets? && Sprockets.localizable?(path) separator = path =~ /\?/ ? '&' : '?' "#{ path }#{ separator }t=#{ Time.now.to_i }" else path end end alias_method :path_to_asset, :asset_path end end class StaticCompiler def compile manifest = {} env.each_logical_path(paths) do |logical_path| process = lambda do if asset = env.find_asset(logical_path) digest_path = write_asset(asset) manifest[asset.logical_path] = digest_path manifest[aliased_path_for(asset.logical_path)] = digest_path end end if Sprockets.localizable?(logical_path) I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.locale = locale process.call end else process.call end end I18n.locale = I18n.default_locale write_manifest(manifest) if @manifest end end class Asset alias_method :logical_path_without_locale, :logical_path # add locale for css and js files def logical_path path = logical_path_without_locale if !Rails.env.development? && Sprockets.localizable?(path) "#{ I18n.locale }/#{ path }" else path end end protected alias_method :dependency_fresh_without_check?, :dependency_fresh? def dependency_fresh?(environment, dep) return false if Rails.configuration.assets.prevent_caching && Sprockets.localizable?(dep.pathname.to_s) dependency_fresh_without_check?(environment, dep) end end class Base # set locale for asset request def call(env) locale = extract_locale(env['PATH_INFO']) env['PATH_INFO'].gsub!(Regexp.new("^/#{ locale }"), '') if locale I18n.locale = Rack::Request.new(env).params['locale'] || locale || I18n.default_locale super end # add locale to assets cache key def cache_key_for(path, options) "#{path}:#{I18n.locale}:#{options[:bundle] ? '1' : '0'}" end private def extract_locale(path) locale = path[/^\/([a-z\-_]+?)\//, 1] if I18n.available_locales.map(&:to_s).include? locale locale else nil end end end end module ActionView class AssetPaths alias_method :compute_public_path_without_locale, :compute_public_path def compute_public_path(source, dir, options = nil) source = prepend_locale(source) if local_resource?(source) && file_localizable?(source, options) && !file_already_localized?(source) compute_public_path_without_locale(source, dir, options) end private def prepend_locale(source) "#{ I18n.locale }/#{ source }" end def local_resource?(source) source !~ Sprockets::GLOBAL_ASSET_REGEX end def file_localizable?(source, options) ext = options.try(:[], :ext) source = "#{ source }.#{ ext }" if ext && !source.ends_with?(".#{ ext }") Sprockets.localizable?(source) end def file_already_localized?(source) source.starts_with?("#{ I18n.locale }/") end end end end