require 'unimidi' module PM # Implements a DSL for describing a PatchMaster setup. class DSL include PM def initialize(no_midi=false) @no_midi = no_midi @pm = PatchMaster.instance end def load(file) contents = @inputs = {} @outputs = {} @triggers = [] @filters = [] @songs = {} # key = name, value = song instance_eval(contents) read_triggers(contents) read_filters(contents) end def input(port_num, sym, name=nil) raise "input: two inputs can not have the same symbol (:#{sym})" if @inputs[sym] input =, name, port_num, @no_midi) @inputs[sym] = input @pm.inputs << input rescue => ex raise "input: error creating input instrument \"#{name}\" on input port #{port_num}: #{ex}" end alias_method :in, :input def output(port_num, sym, name=nil) raise "output: two outputs can not have the same symbol (:#{sym})" if @outputs[sym] output =, name, port_num, @no_midi) @outputs[sym] = output @pm.outputs << output rescue => ex raise "output: error creating output instrument \"#{name}\" on output port #{port_num}: #{ex}" end alias_method :out, :output def message(name, bytes) @pm.messages[name] = bytes end def message_key(name, key_sym) if !@pm.no_gui # TODO get rid of double negative PM::Main.instance.bind_message(name, key_sym) end end def trigger(instrument_sym, bytes, &block) instrument = @inputs[instrument_sym] raise "trigger: error finding instrument #{instrument_sym}" unless instrument t =, block) instrument.triggers << t @triggers << t end def song(name) @song = # ctor saves into @pm.all_songs @songs[name] = @song yield @song if block_given? end def patch(name) @patch = @song << @patch yield @patch if block_given? end def start_bytes(bytes) @patch.start_bytes = bytes end def stop_bytes(bytes) @patch.stop_bytes = bytes end def connection(in_sym, in_chan, out_sym, out_chan) input = @inputs[in_sym] in_chan = nil if in_chan == :all || in_chan == :any raise "can't find input instrument #{in_sym}" unless input output = @outputs[out_sym] raise "can't find outputput instrument #{out_sym}" unless output @conn =, in_chan, output, out_chan) @patch << @conn yield @conn if block_given? end alias_method :conn, :connection alias_method :c, :connection # If only +bank_or_prog+ is specified, then it's a program change. If # both, then it's bank number. def prog_chg(bank_or_prog, prog=nil) if prog = bank_or_prog @conn.pc_prog = prog else @conn.pc_prog = bank_or_prog end end alias_method :pc, :prog_chg # If +start_or_range+ is a Range, use that. Else either or both params may # be nil. def zone(start_or_range=nil, stop=nil) = if start_or_range.kind_of? Range start_or_range elsif start_or_range == nil && stop == nil nil else ((start_or_range || 0) .. (stop || 127)) end end alias_method :z, :zone def transpose(xpose) @conn.xpose = xpose end alias_method :xpose, :transpose alias_method :x, :transpose def filter(&block) @conn.filter = @filters << @conn.filter end alias_method :f, :filter def song_list(name, song_names) sl = @pm.song_lists << sl song_names.each do |sn| song = @songs[sn] raise "song \"#{sn}\" not found (song list \"#{name}\")" unless song sl << song end end # **************************************************************** def save(file), 'w') { |f| save_instruments(f) save_triggers(f) save_songs(f) save_song_lists(f) } end def save_instruments(f) @pm.inputs.each do |instr| f.puts "input #{instr.port_num}, :#{instr.sym}, #{quoted(}" end @pm.outputs.each do |instr| f.puts "output #{instr.port_num}, :#{instr.sym}, #{quoted(}" end f.puts end def save_triggers(f) @pm.inputs.each do |instrument| instrument.triggers.each do |trigger| str = "trigger :#{instrument.sym}, #{trigger.bytes.inspect} #{trigger.text}" f.puts str end end f.puts end def save_songs(f) @pm.all_songs.songs.each do |song| f.puts "song #{quoted(} do" song.patches.each { |patch| save_patch(f, patch) } f.puts "end" f.puts end end def save_patch(f, patch) f.puts " patch #{quoted(} do" f.puts " start_bytes #{patch.start_bytes.inspect}" if patch.start_bytes patch.connections.each { |conn| save_connection(f, conn) } f.puts " end" end def save_connection(f, conn) in_chan = conn.input_chan ? conn.input_chan + 1 : 'nil' out_chan = conn.output_chan + 1 f.puts " conn :#{conn.input.sym}, #{in_chan}, :#{conn.output.sym}, #{out_chan} do" f.puts " prog_chg #{conn.pc_prog}" if conn.pc? f.puts " zone #{conn.note_num_to_name(}, #{conn.note_num_to_name(}" if f.puts " xpose #{conn.xpose}" if conn.xpose f.puts " filter #{conn.filter.text}" if conn.filter f.puts " end" end def save_song_lists(f) @pm.song_lists.each do |sl| next if sl == @pm.all_songs f.puts "song_list #{quoted(}, [" @pm.all_songs.songs.each do |song| f.puts " #{quoted(}," end f.puts "]" end end def quoted(str) "\"#{str.gsub('"', "\\\"")}\"" # ' <= un-confuse Emacs font-lock end # **************************************************************** private def read_triggers(contents) read_block_text('trigger', @triggers, contents) end def read_filters(contents) read_block_text('filter', @filters, contents) end # Extremely simple block text reader. Relies on indentation to detect end # of code block. def read_block_text(name, containers, contents) i = -1 in_block = false block_indentation = nil block_end_token = nil contents.each_line do |line| if line =~ /^(\s*)#{name}\s*.*?(({|do|->\s*{|lambda\s*{)(.*))/ block_indentation, text = $1, $2 i += 1 containers[i].text = text + "\n" in_block = true block_end_token = case text when /^{/ "}" when /^do\b/ "end" when /^(->|lambda)\s*({|do)/ $2 == "{" ? "}" : "end" else "}|end" # regex end elsif in_block line =~ /^(\s*)(.*)/ indentation, text = $1, $2 if indentation.length <= block_indentation.length if text =~ /^#{block_end_token}/ containers[i].text << line end in_block = false else containers[i].text << line end end end containers.each { |thing| thing.text.strip! } end end end