# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # module Rouge module Lexers class Handlebars < TemplateLexer desc 'the Handlebars and Mustache templating languages' tag 'handlebars' aliases 'hbs', 'mustache' filenames '*.handlebars', '*.hbs', '*.mustache' mimetypes 'text/x-handlebars', 'text/x-mustache' id = %r([\w$-]+) state :root do # escaped slashes rule(/\\{+/) { delegate parent } # block comments rule /{{!--/, Comment, :comment rule /{{!.*?}}/, Comment rule /{{{?/ do token Keyword push :stache push :open_sym end rule(/(.+?)(?=\\|{{)/m) { delegate parent } # if we get here, there's no more mustache tags, so we eat # the rest of the doc rule(/.+/m) { delegate parent } end state :comment do rule(/{{/) { token Comment; push } rule(/}}/) { token Comment; pop! } rule(/[^{}]+/m) { token Comment } rule(/[{}]/) { token Comment } end state :stache do rule /}}}?/, Keyword, :pop! rule /\s+/m, Text rule /[=]/, Operator rule /[\[\]]/, Punctuation rule /[.](?=[}\s])/, Name::Variable rule /[.][.]/, Name::Variable rule %r([/.]), Punctuation rule /"(\\.|.)*?"/, Str::Double rule /'(\\.|.)*?'/, Str::Single rule /\d+(?=}\s)/, Num rule /(true|false)(?=[}\s])/, Keyword::Constant rule /else(?=[}\s])/, Keyword rule /this(?=[}\s])/, Name::Builtin::Pseudo rule /@#{id}/, Name::Attribute rule id, Name::Variable end state :open_sym do rule %r([#/]) do token Keyword goto :block_name end rule /[>^&]/, Keyword rule(//) { pop! } end state :block_name do rule /if(?=[}\s])/, Keyword rule id, Name::Namespace, :pop! rule(//) { pop! } end end end end