# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Card::Migration < ActiveRecord::Migration @type = :deck_cards class << self # Rake tasks use class methods, migrations use instance methods. # To avoid repetition a lot of instance methods here just call class methods. # The subclass Card::CoreMigration needs a different @type so we can't use a # class variable @@type. It has to be a class instance variable. # Migrations are subclasses of Card::Migration or Card::CoreMigration but they # don't inherit the @type. The method below solves this problem. def type @type || (ancestors[1] && ancestors[1].type) end def find_unused_name base_name test_name = base_name add = 1 while Card.exists?(test_name) do test_name = "#{base_name}#{add}" add +=1 end test_name end def migration_paths mig_type=type Cardio.migration_paths mig_type end def schema mig_type=type Cardio.schema mig_type end def schema_suffix mig_type=type Cardio.schema_suffix mig_type end def schema_mode mig_type=type new_suffix = schema_suffix mig_type original_suffix = ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = new_suffix ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.reset_table_name yield ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = original_suffix ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.reset_table_name end def assume_migrated_upto_version schema_mode do ActiveRecord::Schema.assume_migrated_upto_version schema, migration_paths end end def data_path filename=nil path = migration_paths.first File.join( [ migration_paths.first, 'data', filename ].compact ) end end def contentedly &block Card::Cache.reset_global Cardio.schema_mode '' do Card::Auth.as_bot do ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin yield ensure Card::Cache.reset_global end end end end end def import_json filename, merge_opts={} Card.config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = false merge_opts.reverse_merge! :output_file=>File.join(data_path,"unmerged_#{ filename }") Card.merge_list read_json(filename), merge_opts end def read_json filename raw_json = File.read( data_path filename ) json = JSON.parse raw_json json["card"]["value"] end def data_path filename=nil self.class.data_path filename end def schema_mode Cardio.schema_mode self.class.type end def migration_paths Cardio.paths self.class.type end # Execute this migration in the named direction # copied from ActiveRecord to wrap "up" in "contentendly" def exec_migration(conn, direction) @connection = conn if respond_to?(:change) if direction == :down revert { change } else change end else contentedly { send(direction) } end ensure @connection = nil end def down raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration end end require 'card/core_migration'