[ SectionBlock[text: Text[mrkdwn: ":newspaper: #{Bold['Paper Company Newsletter']} :newspaper:"]], ContextBlock[elements: [Text[mrkdwn: "#{Bold['November 12, 2019']} | Sales Team Announcements"]]], DividerBlock[], SectionBlock[text: Text[mrkdwn: " :loud_sound: #{Bold['IN CASE YOU MISSED IT']} :loud_sound:"]], SectionBlock[ text: Text[mrkdwn: "Replay our screening of #{Bold['Threat Level Midnight']} and pick up a copy of the DVD to give to your customers at the front desk."], accessory: ButtonElement[text: Text[plain_text: 'Watch Now', emoji: true]] ], SectionBlock[ text: Text[mrkdwn: [ "The *2019 Dundies* happened. ", "Awards were given, heroes were recognized. ", "Check out *#dundies-2019* to see who won awards." ]] ], DividerBlock[], SectionBlock[text: Text[mrkdwn: ":calendar: | #{Bold['UPCOMING EVENTS']} | :calendar: "]], SectionBlock[ text: Text[mrkdwn: "#{Code['11/20-11/22']} #{Bold['Beet the Competition']} #{Italic[' annual retreat at Schrute Farms']}"], accessory: ButtonElement[text: Text[plain_text: 'RSVP', emoji: true]] ], SectionBlock[ text: Text[mrkdwn: "#{Code['12/01']} #{Bold["Toby's Going Away Party"]} at #{Italic['Benihana']}"], accessory: ButtonElement[text: Text[plain_text: 'Learn More', emoji: true]] ], SectionBlock[ text: Text[mrkdwn: "#{Code['11/13']} :pretzel: #{Bold['Pretzel Day']} :pretzel: at #{Italic['Scranton Office']}"], accessory: ButtonElement[text: Text[plain_text: 'RSVP', emoji: true]] ], DividerBlock[], SectionBlock[text: Text[mrkdwn: ":calendar: | #{Bold['PAST EVENTS']} | :calendar: "]], SectionBlock[ text: Text[mrkdwn: "#{Code['10/21']} #{Bold['Conference Room Meeting']}"], accessory: ButtonElement[text: Text[plain_text: 'Watch Recording', emoji: true]] ], DividerBlock[], SectionBlock[text: Text[mrkdwn: Bold['FOR YOUR INFORMATION']]], SectionBlock[text: Text[mrkdwn: ":printer: #{Bold['Sabre Printers']} are no longer catching on fire! The newest version of our printers are safe to use. Make sure to tell your customers today.", verbatim: false]], DividerBlock[], SectionBlock[text: Text[mrkdwn: [ "Please join me in welcoming our 3 #{Bold['new hires']} to the Paper Company family! ", nil, " #{Bold['Robert California']}, CEO ", nil, " #{Bold['Ryan Howard']}, Temp ", nil, " #{Bold['Erin Hannon']}, Receptionist " ]]], DividerBlock[], ContextBlock[elements: [ Text[mrkdwn: ":pushpin: Do you have something to include in the newsletter? Here's #{Bold['how to submit content']}."] ]] ]