require 'optparse' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../jammit') module Jammit # The @CommandLine@ is able to compress, pre-package, and pre-gzip all the # assets specified in the configuration file, in order to avoid an initial # round of slow requests after a fresh deployment. class CommandLine BANNER = <<-EOS Usage: jammit OPTIONS Run jammit inside a Rails application to compresses all JS, CSS, and JST according to config/assets.yml, saving the packaged files and corresponding gzipped versions. If you're using "embed_assets", and you wish to precompile the MHTML stylesheet variants, you must specify the "base-url". Options: EOS # The @Jammit::CommandLine@ runs from the contents of @ARGV@. def initialize parse_options ensure_configuration_file Jammit.load_configuration(@options[:config_path]) Jammit.packager.force = @options[:force] Jammit.packager.precache_all(@options[:output_folder], @options[:base_url]) end private # Make sure that we have a readable configuration file. The @jammit@ # command can't run without one. def ensure_configuration_file config = @options[:config_path] return true if File.exists?(config) && File.readable?(config) puts "Could not find the asset configuration file \"#{config}\"" exit(1) end # Uses @OptionParser@ to grab the options: *--output*, *--config*, and # *--base-url*... def parse_options @options = { :config_path => Jammit::DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, :output_folder => nil, :base_url => nil, :force => false } @option_parser = do |opts| opts.on('-o', '--output PATH', 'output folder for packages (default: "public/assets")') do |output_folder| @options[:output_folder] = output_folder end opts.on('-c', '--config PATH', 'path to assets.yml (default: "config/assets.yml")') do |config_path| @options[:config_path] = config_path end opts.on('-u', '--base-url URL', 'base URL for MHTML (ex: "")') do |base_url| @options[:base_url] = base_url end opts.on('-f', '--force', 'force a rebuild of all assets') do |force| @options[:force] = force end opts.on_tail('-v', '--version', 'display Jammit version') do puts "Jammit version #{Jammit::VERSION}" exit end end @option_parser.banner = BANNER @option_parser.parse!(ARGV) end end end