Feature: Devise login and registration Scenario: First User Registration Given there are no users in the system And I have the default roles And I am on the sign up page When I fill in "user@cloudspace.com" for "Email" And I fill in "password" for "Password" And I fill in "password" for "Password confirmation" And I press "Sign up" Then I should be on the homepage And I should have the role "SuperAdmin" Scenario: Nonfirst User Registration Given there are users in the system And I have the default roles And I am on the sign up page When I fill in "user@cloudspace.com" for "Email" And I fill in "password" for "Password" And I fill in "password" for "Password confirmation" And I press "Sign up" Then I should be on the homepage And I should have the role "GeneralUser" Scenario: User Sign In Given I am signed in as "user@cloudspace.com" Scenario: User Sign Out Given I am signed in as "user@cloudspace.com" Given I am signed out Scenario: User Sign In With Bad Password Given I am signed in as "user@cloudspace.com" And I am signed out And I am on the sign in page When I fill in "user@cloudspace.com" for "Email" And I fill in "badpass" for "Password" And I press "Sign in" Then I should be on the sign in page And I should see "Invalid email or password" Scenario: Lost Password Page Given I am signed in as "user@cloudspace.com" And I am signed out And I am on the forgot password page When I fill in "user@cloudspace.com" for "Email" And I press "Send me reset password instructions" Then I should be on the sign in page And I should see "You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes." Scenario: Lost Password Page Bad Email Address Given I am signed in as "user@cloudspace.com" And I am signed out And I am on the forgot password page When I fill in "baduser@cloudspace.com" for "Email" And I press "Send me reset password instructions" Then I should be on the forgot password submitted page And I should see "Email not found" Scenario: Lost Password Page Missing Email Address Given I am signed in as "user@cloudspace.com" And I am signed out And I am on the forgot password page When I press "Send me reset password instructions" Then I should be on the forgot password submitted page And I should see "Email can't be blank" Scenario: Login Link Given I am on the homepage When I follow "Login" within "body" Then I should be on the sign in page Scenario: Logout Link Given I am signed in as "user@cloudspace.com" And I am on the homepage When I follow "Logout" And I should be on the homepage And I should see "Signed out successfully."