require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../lib/sequel_core') require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../spec_helper.rb') unless defined?(POSTGRES_DB) POSTGRES_DB = Sequel(ENV['SEQUEL_PG_SPEC_DB']||'postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/reality_spec') end POSTGRES_DB.drop_table(:test) if POSTGRES_DB.table_exists?(:test) POSTGRES_DB.drop_table(:test2) if POSTGRES_DB.table_exists?(:test2) POSTGRES_DB.create_table :test do text :name integer :value, :index => true end POSTGRES_DB.create_table :test2 do text :name integer :value end context "A PostgreSQL database" do setup do @db = POSTGRES_DB end specify "should provide disconnect functionality" do @db.tables @db.pool.size.should == 1 @db.disconnect @db.pool.size.should == 0 end specify "should provide the server version" do @db.server_version.should > 70000 end end context "A PostgreSQL dataset" do setup do @d = POSTGRES_DB[:test] @d.delete # remove all records end specify "should return the correct record count" do @d.count.should == 0 @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.count.should == 3 end specify "should return the correct records" do @d.to_a.should == [] @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.order(:value).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 123}, {:name => 'abc', :value => 456}, {:name => 'def', :value => 789} ] end specify "should update records correctly" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.filter(:name => 'abc').update(:value => 530) # the third record should stay the same # floating-point precision bullshit @d[:name => 'def'][:value].should == 789 @d.filter(:value => 530).count.should == 2 end specify "should delete records correctly" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.filter(:name => 'abc').delete @d.count.should == 1 @d.first[:name].should == 'def' end specify "should be able to literalize booleans" do proc {@d.literal(true)}.should_not raise_error proc {@d.literal(false)}.should_not raise_error end specify "should quote columns using double quotes" do == \ 'SELECT "name" FROM test''COUNT(*)'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test' == \ 'SELECT max("value") FROM test'[]).sql.should == \ 'SELECT NOW() FROM test' == \ 'SELECT max(items."value") FROM test' @d.order(:name.DESC).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY "name" DESC'' AS item_name'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT AS item_name FROM test''"name"'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT "name" FROM test''max(test."name") AS "max_name"'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT max(test."name") AS "max_name" FROM test'[:abc, 'hello']).sql.should == \ "SELECT test(\"abc\", 'hello') FROM test"[:abc__def, 'hello']).sql.should == \ "SELECT test(abc.\"def\", 'hello') FROM test"[:abc__def, 'hello'].as(:x2)).sql.should == \ "SELECT test(abc.\"def\", 'hello') AS \"x2\" FROM test" @d.insert_sql(:value => 333).should == \ 'INSERT INTO test ("value") VALUES (333)' @d.insert_sql(:x => :y).should == \ 'INSERT INTO test ("x") VALUES ("y")' end specify "should quote fields correctly when reversing the order" do @d.reverse_order(:name).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY "name" DESC' @d.reverse_order(:name.DESC).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY "name"' @d.reverse_order(:name, :test.DESC).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY "name" DESC, "test"' @d.reverse_order(:name.DESC, :test).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY "name", "test" DESC' end specify "should support transactions" do POSTGRES_DB.transaction do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 1} end @d.count.should == 1 end specify "should support regexps" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 1} @d << {:name => 'bcd', :value => 2} @d.filter(:name => /bc/).count.should == 2 @d.filter(:name => /^bc/).count.should == 1 end specify "should consider strings containing backslashes to be escaped string literals" do PGconn.quote("\\dingo").should == "E'\\\\dingo'" # literally, E'\\dingo' PGconn.quote("dingo").should == "'dingo'" end end context "A PostgreSQL dataset in array tuples mode" do setup do @d = POSTGRES_DB[:test] @d.delete # remove all records Sequel.use_array_tuples end teardown do Sequel.use_hash_tuples end specify "should return the correct records" do @d.to_a.should == [] @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.order(:value).select(:name, :value).to_a.should == [ ['abc', 123], ['abc', 456], ['def', 789] ] end specify "should work correctly with transforms" do @d.transform(:value => [proc {|v| v.to_s}, proc {|v| v.to_i}]) @d.to_a.should == [] @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.order(:value).select(:name, :value).to_a.should == [ ['abc', '123'], ['abc', '456'], ['def', '789'] ] a = @d.order(:value).first a.values.should == ['abc', '123'] a.keys.should == [:name, :value] a[:name].should == 'abc' a[:value].should == '123' end end context "A PostgreSQL database" do setup do @db = POSTGRES_DB end specify "should support add_column operations" do @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :text, :default => '000' @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111} @db[:test2].first[:xyz].should == '000' end specify "should support drop_column operations" do @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db.drop_column :test2, :xyz @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value] end specify "should support rename_column operations" do @db[:test2].delete @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :text, :default => '000' @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => 'qqqq'} @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db.rename_column :test2, :xyz, :zyx @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :zyx] @db[:test2].first[:zyx].should == 'qqqq' end specify "should support set_column_type operations" do @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :float @db[:test2].delete @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => 56.78} @db.set_column_type :test2, :xyz, :integer @db[:test2].first[:xyz].should == 57 end end context "A PostgreSQL database" do setup do end specify "should support fulltext indexes" do g = do text :title text :body full_text_index [:title, :body] end POSTGRES_DB.create_table_sql_list(:posts, *g.create_info).should == [ "CREATE TABLE posts (\"title\" text, \"body\" text)", "CREATE INDEX posts_title_body_index ON posts USING gin(to_tsvector(\"title\" || \"body\"))" ] end specify "should support fulltext indexes with a specific language" do g = do text :title text :body full_text_index [:title, :body], :language => 'french' end POSTGRES_DB.create_table_sql_list(:posts, *g.create_info).should == [ "CREATE TABLE posts (\"title\" text, \"body\" text)", "CREATE INDEX posts_title_body_index ON posts USING gin(to_tsvector('french', \"title\" || \"body\"))" ] end specify "should support full_text_search" do POSTGRES_DB[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'ruby').sql.should == "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (to_tsvector(\"title\") @@ to_tsquery('ruby'))" POSTGRES_DB[:posts].full_text_search([:title, :body], ['ruby', 'sequel']).sql.should == "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (to_tsvector(\"title\" || \"body\") @@ to_tsquery('ruby | sequel'))" POSTGRES_DB[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'ruby', :language => 'french').sql.should == "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (to_tsvector('french', \"title\") @@ to_tsquery('french', 'ruby'))" end end context "Postgres::Dataset#multi_insert_sql / #import" do setup do @ds = POSTGRES_DB[:test] end specify "should return separate insert statements if server_version < 80200" do @ds.db.meta_def(:server_version) {80199} @ds.multi_insert_sql([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]).should == [ 'INSERT INTO test ("x", "y") VALUES (1, 2)', 'INSERT INTO test ("x", "y") VALUES (3, 4)' ] end specify "should a single insert statement if server_version >= 80200" do @ds.db.meta_def(:server_version) {80200} @ds.multi_insert_sql([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]).should == [ 'INSERT INTO test ("x", "y") VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4)' ] @ds.db.meta_def(:server_version) {80201} @ds.multi_insert_sql([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]).should == [ 'INSERT INTO test ("x", "y") VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4)' ] end end