RSpec.describe Dry::Validation::InputProcessorCompiler::Form, '#call' do subject(:compiler) { } include_context 'predicate helper' let(:rule_ast) do [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :email)], [ :and, [ [:key, [:email, p(:str?)]], [:key, [:email, p(:filled?)]] ] ] ] ], [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :age)], [ :or, [ [:key, [:age, p(:none?)]], [ :and, [ [:key, [:age, p(:int?)]], [:key, [:age, p(:filled?)]] ] ] ] ] ] ], [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :address)], [:key, [:address, p(:str?)]] ] ] ] end let(:output) do { 'email' => '', 'age' => '20', 'address' => 'City, Street 1/2' } end it 'builds an input dry-data type' do input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) result = input_type[output] expect(result).to eql(email: '', age: 20, address: 'City, Street 1/2') end it 'supports arbitrary types via type?(const) => "form.const"' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :age)], [:key, [:age, p(:type?, Fixnum)]] ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['age' => '21']).to eql(age: 21) end it 'supports arbitrary types via type?(conts)' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :admin)], [:key, [:admin, p(:type?, 'Form::Bool')]] ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['admin' => '0']).to eql(admin: false) end it 'supports int? => ""' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :age)], [:key, [:age, p(:int?)]], ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['age' => '21']).to eql(age: 21) end it 'supports none? => ""' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :age)], [ :or, [ [:key, [:age, p(:none?)]], [:key, [:age, p(:int?)]], ] ] ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['age' => '']).to eql(age: nil) expect(input_type['age' => '21']).to eql(age: 21) end it 'supports float? => "form.float"' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :lat)], [:key, [:lat, p(:float?)]], ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['lat' => '21.12']).to eql(lat: 21.12) end it 'supports decimal? => "form.decimal"' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :lat)], [:key, [:lat, p(:decimal?, [])]], ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['lat' => '21.12']).to eql(lat: 21.12.to_d) end it 'supports date? => ""' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :bday)], [:key, [:bday, p(:date?, [])]], ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['bday' => '2012-01-23']).to eql(bday:, 1, 23)) end it 'supports date_time? => "form.date_time"' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :bday)], [:key, [:bday, p(:date_time?, [])]], ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['bday' => '2012-01-23 11:07']).to eql(bday:, 1, 23, 11, 7)) end it 'supports time? => "form.time"' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :bday)], [:key, [:bday, p(:time?, [])]], ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['bday' => '2012-01-23 11:07']).to eql(bday:, 1, 23, 11, 7)) end it 'supports time? => "form.time"' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :bday)], [:key, [:bday, p(:time?, [])]], ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['bday' => '2012-01-23 11:07']).to eql(bday:, 1, 23, 11, 7)) end it 'supports bool? => "form.bool"' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :admin)], [:key, [:admin, p(:bool?, [])]], ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['admin' => 'true']).to eql(admin: true) expect(input_type['admin' => 'false']).to eql(admin: false) end it 'supports each rule' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :author)], [:set, [ [:and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :books)], [ :each, [ :set, [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :published)], [:key, [:published, p(:bool?, [])]] ] ] ] ] ] ]] ]] ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type['author' => { 'books' => [{ 'published' => 'true' }] }]).to eql( author: { books: [published: true] } ) expect(input_type['author' => { 'books' => [{ 'published' => 'false' }] }]).to eql( author: { books: [published: false] } ) end it 'supports array? with an each rule' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :ids)], [:and, [ [:key, [:ids, p(:array?, [])]], [:each, [:val, p(:int?, [])]] ]] ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type.('ids' => 'oops')).to eql(ids: 'oops') expect(input_type.('ids' => %w(1 2 3))).to eql(ids: [1, 2, 3]) end it 'supports hash? with a set rule' do rule_ast = [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :address)], [ :and, [ [:key, [:address, p(:hash?, [])]], [ :set, [ [ :and, [ [:val, p(:key?, :street)], [:key, [:street, p(:filled?, [])]] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] input_type = compiler.(rule_ast) expect(input_type.('address' => 'oops')).to eql(address: 'oops') expect(input_type.('address' => { 'street' => 'ok' })).to eql( address: { street: 'ok' } ) end end