* "Yet Another Multicolumn Layout" - (X)HTML/CSS Framework
* (en) YAML core stylesheet - structure-independent bugfixes of IE/Win CSS-bugs
* (de) YAML Basis-Stylesheet - Strukturunabhängige Bugfixes von CSS-Bugs des IE/Win
* Don't make any changes in this file!
* Your changes should be added to a separate patch-file.
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Dirk Jesse
* @license CC-A 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/),
* YAML-C (http://www.yaml.de/en/license/license-conditions.html)
* @link http://www.yaml.de
* @package yaml
* @version 3.2.1
* @revision $Revision: 454 $
* @lastmodified $Date: 2010-01-01 17:31:10 +0100 (Fr, 01. Jan 2010) $
* @appdef yaml */
@media all {
* (en) Debugging:When you see a green background, IE is getting this stylesheet
* (de) Fehlersuche:Hintergrund leuchtet grün, wenn das Stylesheet korrekt geladen wurde
* @debug
* @app-yaml-default disabled */
/* body { background:#0f0; background-image:none; } */
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* (en) No need to force scrollbars in older IE's - it even makes problems in IE6 when set
* (de) Scrollbar-Fix wird in alten IE's nicht benötigt, zudem verursacht der Fix Probleme im IE6
* @workaround
* @affected IE6, IE7
* @css-for IE6, IE7
* @valid no */
body {
o\verflow: visible; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* (en) Fixes IE5.x and IE6 overflow behavior of textarea and input elements elements
* (de) Korrigiert das fehlerhafte overflow-Verhalten von textarea und input-Elementen
* @workaround
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @valid no */
* html textarea {
overflow: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden; }
* html input {
overflow: hidden; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* (en) Stability fixes with 'position:relative'
* (de) Stabilitätsverbesserungen durch 'position:relative'
* Essential for correct scaling in IE7 (body). IE5 must get static positioned body instead.
* Helpful to fix several possible problems in older IE versions (#main).
* @bugfix
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @valid yes */
body, #main {
position: relative; }
* html body {
position: static; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* (en) Clearfix adjustents for containing floats in IE
* (de) Clearfix-Anpassung für diverse IE-Versionen
* @workaround
* @see http://perishablepress.com/press/2009/12/06/new-clearfix-hack/
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @valid yes */
.clearfix {
height: 1%; }
/* hasLayout aktivieren */
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* (en) Adjustment of .floatbox class for IE
* (de) Anpassung der .floatbox-Klasse für IE
* @workaround
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @valid yes */
.floatbox {
width: 100%; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* (en) Special class for oversized content element
* (de) Spezielle Klasse für übergroße Inhaltselemente
* @workaround
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @valid yes */
.slidebox {
position: relative;
margin-right: -1000px;
height: 1%; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* (en):Bugfix for partially displayed column separators
* (de):Bugfix für unvollständige Darstellung der Spalteninhalte / Spaltentrenner
* @bugfix
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @valid yes */
* html #col1, * html #col2, * html #col3 {
position: relative; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* (en) Preventing several css bugs by forcing "hasLayout"
* (de) Vermeidung verschiedenster Bugs durch Erzwingen von "hasLayout"
* @workaround
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @valid no */
body {
height: 1%; }
.page_margins, .page, #header, #nav, #main, #footer {
zoom: 1; }
/* IE6 & IE7 */
* html .page_margins, * html .page {
height: 1%;
hei\ght: auto; }
* html #header, * html #nav, * html #main, * html #footer {
width: 100%;
wid\th: auto; }
/* IE 5.x & IE6 | IE6 only */
/* IE 5.x & IE6 | IE6 only */
/* trigger hasLayout to force containing content */
.subc, .subcl, .subcr {
height: 1%; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Disappearing List-Background Bug
* @see http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/ie-listbug.html
* @bugfix
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @valid yes */
* html ul, * html ol, * html dl {
position: relative; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* List-Numbering Bug
* @bugfix
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @valid yes */
body ol li {
display: list-item; }
* Form related bugfixes
* @bugfix
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @valid no */
fieldset, legend {
position: relative; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* (en) Workaround for 'collapsing margin at #col3' when using CSS-property clear
* Left margin of #col3 collapses when using clear:both in 1-3-2 (or 2-3-1) layout and right column is the
* longest and left column is the shortest one. For IE6 and IE7 a special workaround was developed
* in YAML.
* (de) Workaround für 'kollabierenden Margin an #col3' bei Verwendung der CSS-Eigenschaft clear
* Der linke Margin von #col3 kollabiert bei der Verwendung von clear:both im 1-3-2 (oder 2-3-1) Layout
* wenn gleichzeitig die linke Spalte die kürzeste und die rechte die längste ist. Im IE6 und IE7 lässt
* sich der Bug durch eine speziell für YAML entwickelten Workaround umgehen.
* @workaround
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @valid no */
html #ie_clearing {
/* (en) Only a small help for debugging */
/* (de) Nur eine kleine Hilfe zur Fehlersuche */
position: static;
/* (en) Make container visible in IE */
/* (de) Container sichtbar machen im IE */
display: block;
/* (en) No fix possible in IE5.x, normal clearing used instead */
/* (de) Kein Fix im IE5.x möglich, daher normales Clearing */
clear: both;
/* (en) forcing clearing-like behavior with a simple oversized container in IE6 & IE7 */
/* (de) IE-Clearing mit 100%-DIV für IE6 bzw. übergroßem Container im IE7 */
width: 100%;
font-size: 0px;
margin: -2px 0 -1em 1px; }
* html #ie_clearing {
margin: -2px 0 -1em 0; }
#col3_content {
margin-bottom: -2px; }
/* (en) avoid horizontal scrollbars in IE7 in borderless layouts because of negative margins */
/* (de) Vermeidung horizontaler Scrollbalken bei randabfallenden Layouts im IE7 */
html {
margin-right: 1px; }
* html {
margin-right: 0; }
/* (en) Bugfix:Essential for IE7 */
/* (de) Bugfix:Notwendig im IE7 */
#col3 {
position: relative; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* IE/Win Guillotine Bug
* @see http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/guillotine.html
* @workaround
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @valid yes */
* html body a {
background-color: transparent; }
* html body a:hover {
background-color: transparent; } }
@media screen, projection {
* (en) IE-Adjustments for content columns and subtemplates
* (de) IE-Anpassung für Spaltencontainer und Subtemplates
* Doubled Float-Margin Bug
* @see http://positioniseverything.net/explorer/doubled-margin.html
* @bugfix
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @valid yes */
#col1, #col2, .c20l, .c25l, .c33l, .c38l, .c40l, .c50l, .c60l, .c62l, .c66l, .c75l, .c80l, .c20r, .c25r, .c33r, .c38r, .c40r, .c50r, .c60r, .c66r, .c62r, .c75r, .c80r {
display: inline; }
/* Fix for:"Linking to anchors in elements within the containing block" Problem in IE5.x & IE 6.0 */
* html .equalize {
overflow: visible;
display: block; }
* html .equalize .subcolumns {
overflow: visible;
display: block; }
.equalize {
overflow: hidden;
display: block; }
.equalize .subcolumns {
overflow: hidden;
display: block; }
.equalize .c20l, .equalize .c40l, .equalize .c60l, .equalize .c80l, .equalize .c25l, .equalize .c33l, .equalize .c38l, .equalize .c50l, .equalize .c62l, .equalize .c66l, .equalize .c75l {
float: left;
display: inline;
padding-bottom: 32767px;
margin-bottom: -32767px; }
.equalize .c20r, .equalize .c40r, .equalize .c60r, .equalize .c80r, .equalize .c25r, .equalize .c33r, .equalize .c38r, .equalize .c50r, .equalize .c62r, .equalize .c66r, .equalize .c75r {
float: right;
margin-left: -5px;
display: inline;
padding-bottom: 32767px;
margin-bottom: -32767px; }
/* transform CSS tables back into floats */
.no-ie-padding .c20l, .no-ie-padding .c40l, .no-ie-padding .c60l, .no-ie-padding .c80l, .no-ie-padding .c20r, .no-ie-padding .c40r, .no-ie-padding .c60r, .no-ie-padding .c80r, .no-ie-padding .c25l, .no-ie-padding .c33l, .no-ie-padding .c38l, .no-ie-padding .c50l, .no-ie-padding .c62l, .no-ie-padding .c66l, .no-ie-padding .c75l, .no-ie-padding .c25r, .no-ie-padding .c33r, .no-ie-padding .c38r, .no-ie-padding .c50r, .no-ie-padding .c62r, .no-ie-padding .c66r, .no-ie-padding .c75r {
padding-bottom: 0;
margin-bottom: 0; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Internet Explorer and the Expanding Box Problem
* @see http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/expandingboxbug.html
* @workaround
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6
* @valid yes */
* html #col1_content, * html #col2_content, * html #col3_content {
word-wrap: break-word; }
* html .subc, * html .subcl, * html .subcr {
word-wrap: break-word;
o\verflow: hidden; }
/* avoid growing widths */ }
@media print {
* (en) Avoid unneeded page breaks of #col3 content in print layout.
* (de) Vermeiden von unnötigen Seitenumbrüchen beim Ausdruck der Spalte #col3.
* @bugfix
* @affected IE7
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @valid yes */
#col3 {
height: 1%; } }