require "date" C = Contracts class A include Contracts::Core Contract C::Num => C::Num def self.a_class_method x x + 1 end def good true end Contract C::Num => C::Num def triple x x * 3 end Contract C::Num => C::Num def instance_and_class_method x x * 2 end Contract String => String def self.instance_and_class_method x x * 2 end end class B include Contracts::Core def bad false end Contract String => String def triple x x * 3 end end class F include Contracts::Core def good false end def bad true end end class EmptyCont def self.to_s "" end end class GenericExample include Contracts::Core Contract C::Num => C::Num def self.a_class_method x x + 1 end Contract C::Num => nil def bad_double(x) x * 2 end Contract C::Num => C::Num def double(x) x * 2 end Contract 123, nil => nil def constanty(num, nul) 0 end Contract String => nil def hello(name) end Contract lambda { |x| x.is_a? Numeric } => C::Num def square(x) x ** 2 end Contract [C::Num, C::Num, C::Num] => C::Num def sum_three(vals) vals.inject(0) do |acc, x| acc + x end end Contract ({ :name => String, :age => Fixnum }) => nil def person(data) end Contract C::StrictHash[{ :name => String, :age => Fixnum }] => nil def strict_person(data) end Contract ({ :rigged => C::Or[TrueClass, FalseClass] }) => nil def hash_complex_contracts(data) end Contract ({ :rigged => C::Bool, :contents => { :kind => C::Or[String, Symbol], :total => C::Num } }) => nil def nested_hash_complex_contracts(data) end Contract C::KeywordArgs[:name => String, :age => Fixnum] => nil def person_keywordargs(name: "name", age: 10) end Contract C::KeywordArgs[:hash => C::HashOf[Symbol, C::Num]] => nil def hash_keywordargs(hash:) end Contract (/foo/) => nil def should_contain_foo(s) end Contract ({ :host => /foo/ }) => nil def hash_containing_foo(s) end Contract C::ArrayOf[/foo/] => nil def array_containing_foo(s) end Contract [C::Or[TrueClass, FalseClass]] => nil def array_complex_contracts(data) end Contract [C::Bool, [C::Or[String, Symbol]]] => nil def nested_array_complex_contracts(data) end Contract [ C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol] ] => nil def long_array_param_contracts(data) end Contract C::None => [ C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol], C::Or[String, Symbol] ] def long_array_return_contracts end Contract Proc => C::Any def do_call(&block) end Contract C::Args[C::Num], C::Maybe[Proc] => C::Any def maybe_call(*vals, &block) if block vals end Contract C::Args[C::Num] => C::Num def sum(*vals) vals.inject(0) do |acc, val| acc + val end end Contract C::Args[C::Num], Proc => C::Num def with_partial_sums(*vals, &blk) sum = vals.inject(0) do |acc, val| blk[acc] acc + val end blk[sum] end Contract C::Args[C::Num], C::Func[C::Num => C::Num] => C::Num def with_partial_sums_contracted(*vals, &blk) sum = vals.inject(0) do |acc, val| blk[acc] acc + val end blk[sum] end # Important to use different arg types or it falsely passes Contract C::Num, C::Args[String] => C::ArrayOf[String] def arg_then_splat(n, *vals) { |v| v * n } end Contract C::Num, Proc => nil def double_with_proc(x, &blk) * 2) nil end Contract C::Pos => nil def pos_test(x) end Contract C::Neg => nil def neg_test(x) end Contract C::Nat => nil def nat_test(x) end Contract C::Any => nil def show(x) end Contract C::None => nil def fail_all(x) end Contract C::Or[C::Num, String] => nil def num_or_string(x) end Contract C::Xor[C::RespondTo[:good], C::RespondTo[:bad]] => nil def xor_test(x) end Contract C::And[A, C::RespondTo[:good]] => nil def and_test(x) end Contract C::Enum[:a, :b, :c] => nil def enum_test(x) end Contract C::RespondTo[:good] => nil def responds_test(x) end Contract C::Send[:good] => nil def send_test(x) end Contract C::Not[nil] => nil def not_nil(x) end Contract C::ArrayOf[C::Num] => C::Num def product(vals) vals.inject(1) do |acc, x| acc * x end end Contract C::SetOf[C::Num] => C::Num def product_from_set(vals) vals.inject(1) do |acc, x| acc * x end end Contract C::RangeOf[C::Num] => C::Num def first_in_range_num(r) r.first end Contract C::RangeOf[Date] => Date def first_in_range_date(r) r.first end Contract C::DescendantOf[Enumerable] => nil def enumerable_descendant_test(enum) end Contract C::Bool => nil def bool_test(x) end Contract C::Num def no_args 1 end # This function has a contract which says it has no args, # but the function does have args. Contract nil => C::Num def old_style_no_args 2 end Contract C::ArrayOf[C::Num], C::Func[C::Num => C::Num] => C::ArrayOf[C::Num] def map(arr, func) ret = [] arr.each do |x| ret << func[x] end ret end Contract C::ArrayOf[C::Any], Proc => C::ArrayOf[C::Any] def tutorial_map(arr, func) ret = [] arr.each do |x| ret << func[x] end ret end # Need to test Func with weak contracts for other args # and changing type from input to output otherwise it falsely passes! Contract Array, C::Func[String => C::Num] => Array def map_plain(arr, func) do |x| func[x] end end Contract C::None => C::Func[String => C::Num] def lambda_with_wrong_return lambda { |x| x } end Contract C::None => C::Func[String => C::Num] def lambda_with_correct_return lambda { |x| x.length } end Contract C::Num => C::Num def default_args(x = 1) 2 end Contract C::Maybe[C::Num] => C::Maybe[C::Num] def maybe_double x if x.nil? nil else x * 2 end end Contract C::HashOf[Symbol, C::Num] => C::Num def gives_max_value(hash) hash.values.max end Contract C::HashOf[Symbol => C::Num] => C::Num def pretty_gives_max_value(hash) hash.values.max end Contract EmptyCont => C::Any def using_empty_contract(a) a end Contract (1..10) => nil def method_with_range_contract(x) end Contract String def a_private_method "works" end private :a_private_method Contract String def a_protected_method "works" end protected :a_protected_method private Contract String def a_really_private_method "works for sure" end protected Contract String def a_really_protected_method "works for sure" end end # for testing inheritance class Parent include Contracts::Core Contract C::Num => C::Num def double x x * 2 end end class Child < Parent end class GenericExample Contract Parent => Parent def id_ a a end Contract C::Exactly[Parent] => nil def exactly_test(x) end end # for testing equality class Foo end module Bar end Baz = 1 class GenericExample Contract C::Eq[Foo] => C::Any def eq_class_test(x) end Contract C::Eq[Bar] => C::Any def eq_module_test(x) end Contract C::Eq[Baz] => C::Any def eq_value_test(x) end end # pattern matching example with possible deep contract violation class PatternMatchingExample include Contracts::Core class Success attr_accessor :request def initialize request @request = request end def ==(other) request == other.request end end class Failure end Response = C::Or[Success, Failure] class StringWithHello def self.valid?(string) string.is_a?(String) && !!string.match(/hello/i) end end Contract Success => Response def process_request(status) end Contract Failure => Response def process_request(status) end Contract StringWithHello => String def decorated_request(request) request + "!" end Contract C::Num, String => String def do_stuff(number, string) "foo" end Contract C::Num, String, C::Num => String def do_stuff(number, string, other_number) "bar" end Contract C::Num => C::Num def double x "bad" end Contract String => String def double x x * 2 end end # invariant example (silliest implementation ever) class MyBirthday include Contracts::Core include Contracts::Invariants invariant(:day) { 1 <= day && day <= 31 } invariant(:month) { 1 <= month && month <= 12 } attr_accessor :day, :month def initialize(day, month) @day = day @month = month end Contract C::None => Fixnum def silly_next_day! += 1 end Contract C::None => Fixnum def silly_next_month! self.month += 1 end Contract C::None => Fixnum def clever_next_day! return clever_next_month! if day == 31 += 1 end Contract C::None => Fixnum def clever_next_month! return next_year! if month == 12 self.month += 1 = 1 end Contract C::None => Fixnum def next_year! self.month = 1 = 1 end end class SingletonClassExample # This turned out to be required line here to make singleton classes # work properly under all platforms. Not sure if it worth trying to # do something with it. include Contracts::Core class << self Contract String => String def hoge(str) "super#{str}" end Contract C::Num, C::Num => C::Num def add(a, b) a + b end end end with_enabled_no_contracts do class NoContractsSimpleExample include Contracts::Core Contract String => nil def some_method(x) nil end end class NoContractsInvariantsExample include Contracts::Core include Contracts::Invariants attr_accessor :day invariant(:day_rule) { 1 <= day && day <= 7 } Contract C::None => nil def next_day += 1 end end class NoContractsPatternMatchingExample include Contracts::Core Contract 200, String => String def on_response(status, body) body + "!" end Contract Fixnum, String => String def on_response(status, body) "error #{status}: #{body}" end end end module ModuleExample include Contracts::Core Contract C::Num, C::Num => C::Num def plus(a, b) a + b end Contract String => String def self.hoge(str) "super#{str}" end class << self Contract String => nil def eat(food) # yummy nil end end end class KlassWithModuleExample include ModuleExample end class SingletonInheritanceExample include Contracts::Core Contract C::Any => C::Any def self.a_contracted_self self end end class SingletonInheritanceExampleSubclass < SingletonInheritanceExample class << self Contract Integer => Integer def num(int) int end end end class BareOptionalContractUsed include Contracts::Core Contract C::Num, C::Optional[C::Num] => nil def something(a, b) nil end end module ModuleContractExample include Contracts::Core module AModule end module AnotherModule end module InheritedModule include AModule end class AClassWithModule include AModule end class AClassWithoutModule end class AClassWithAnotherModule include AnotherModule end class AClassWithInheritedModule include InheritedModule end class AClassWithBothModules include AModule include AnotherModule end Contract AModule => Symbol def self.hello(thing) :world end end module ModuleWithContracts def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods include Contracts::Core Contract C::None => String def foo "bar" end end end