module Zadt class ADT def puts "Thank you for using Zagorski Advanced Data Types!" puts "This package contains the following Data Types:" puts "Array-Like Data Types" puts "-Stack, a LIFO array with functions push and pop" puts "-Queue, a FIFO array with functions enqueue and dequeue" puts "-StackQueue, a Queue that is Stack-based (no real difference)" puts "-MinMaxStack, a Stack that can return Min and Max in constant time" puts "-MinMaxStackQueue, a Queue that can return Min and Max in constant time" puts "Graph Data Types" puts "-Graph, consisting of Vertices connected by Edges" puts "--Vertex, a 'spot' on the graph" puts "--Edge, connects two vertices" puts "-FaceGraph, a sub-class of Graph which includes Faces" puts "--Face, a space surrounded by Edges. Consists of Vertices and the Edges connecting them" puts "" puts "Each data type also has a help function. Type Zadt::Stack::help or Zadt::Stack::methods for a list of Stack methods, and so on for each data type." end end end