require 'singleton' require 'attr_encryption/date_extensions' require 'attr_encryption/mysql_encryption' require 'attr_encryption/mysql_encryptor' # Adds attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt an object's attributes module AttrEncryption def self.extended(base) # :nodoc: base.class_eval do include InstanceMethods attr_writer :attr_encrypted_options @attr_encrypted_options, @encrypted_attributes = {}, {} end end # Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently # # Options (any other options you specify are passed to the encryptor's encrypt and decrypt methods) # # :attribute => The name of the referenced encrypted attribute. For example # attr_accessor :email, :attribute => :ee would generate an # attribute named 'ee' to store the encrypted email. This is useful when defining # one attribute to encrypt at a time or when the :prefix and :suffix options # aren't enough. Defaults to nil. # # :type => The data type of the value to be encrypted/decrypted. Can be 'date', 'datetime', 'binary' or 'text'. # When encrypting, all values will use their string value (value.to_s). When decrypting, # the type of the value will determine what is returned. For example: # # type = 'date': Date.parse(decrypted_value) # type = 'time': DateTime.parse(decrypted_value) # type = 'binary': decrypted_value # type = 'text': decrypted_value.force_encoding('utf-8') # # :prefix => A prefix used to generate the name of the referenced encrypted attributes. # For example attr_accessor :email, :password, :prefix => 'crypted_' would # generate attributes named 'crypted_email' and 'crypted_password' to store the # encrypted email and password. Defaults to ''. # # :suffix => A suffix used to generate the name of the referenced encrypted attributes. # For example attr_accessor :email, :password, :suffix => '_encrypted' # would generate attributes named 'email_encrypted' and 'password_encrypted' to store the # encrypted email. Defaults to '_enc'. # # :preencrypt => The symbol identifying a method that should be run on an attribute immediately prior # to marshalling and encrypting. This could be used for things like stripping white-space # from values or other sorts of pre-processing. Defaults to nil. # # :key => The encryption key. This option may not be required if you're using a custom encryptor. If you pass # a symbol representing an instance method then the :key option will be replaced with the result of the # method before being passed to the encryptor. Objects that respond to :call are evaluated as well (including procs). # Any other key types will be passed directly to the encryptor. TODO (DJS): We'll see if we need this. # # :encode => If set to true, attributes will be encoded as well as encrypted. This is useful if you're # planning on storing the encrypted attributes in a database. The default encoding is 'm' (base64), # however this can be overwritten by setting the :encode option to some other encoding string instead of # just 'true'. See for more encoding directives. # Defaults to false unless you're using it with ActiveRecord, DataMapper, or Sequel. TODO(DJS): We'll see if we need this. # # :default_encoding => Defaults to 'm' (base64). TODO(DJS): Hmmm. See above # # :marshal => If set to true, attributes will be marshaled as well as encrypted. This is useful if you're planning # on encrypting something other than a string. Defaults to false unless you're using it with ActiveRecord # or DataMapper. TODO(DJS): Don't want to use this by default in our encryption since we want to be able to query... # # :marshaler => The object to use for marshaling. Defaults to Marshal. # # :dump_method => The dump method name to call on the :marshaler object to. Defaults to 'dump'. # # :load_method => The load method name to call on the :marshaler object. Defaults to 'load'. # # :encryptor => The object to use for encrypting. Defaults to Encryptor. TODO(DJS): Need to changed this to indicate our encryptor # # :encrypt_method => The encrypt method name to call on the :encryptor object. Defaults to 'encrypt'. TODO(DJS): Verify this. # # :decrypt_method => The decrypt method name to call on the :encryptor object. Defaults to 'decrypt'. TODO(DJS): Verify this. # # :if => Attributes are only encrypted if this option evaluates to true. If you pass a symbol representing an instance # method then the result of the method will be evaluated. Any objects that respond to :call are evaluated as well. # Defaults to true. # # :unless => Attributes are only encrypted if this option evaluates to false. If you pass a symbol representing an instance # method then the result of the method will be evaluated. Any objects that respond to :call are evaluated as well. # Defaults to false. # # You can specify your own default options # # TODO(DJS): Need to rework the examples. # class User # # now all attributes will be encoded and marshaled by default # attr_encrypted_options.merge!(:encode => true, :marshal => true, :some_other_option => true) # attr_encrypted :configuration, :key => 'my secret key' # end # # # Example # # class User # attr_encrypted :email, :credit_card, :key => 'some secret key' # attr_encrypted :configuration, :key => 'some other secret key', :marshal => true # end # # @user = # @user.encrypted_email # nil # # false # = '' # # true # @user.encrypted_email # returns the encrypted version of '' # # @user.configuration = { :time_zone => 'UTC' } # @user.encrypted_configuration # returns the encrypted version of configuration # # See README for more examples def attr_encrypted(*attributes) options = { :prefix => '', :suffix => '_enc', :if => true, :unless => false, :encode => false, :key => $encryption_key, :type => 'text', :default_encoding => 'm', :preenrypt => nil, :marshal => false, :marshaler => Marshal, :dump_method => 'dump', :load_method => 'load', :encryptor => MySQLEncryptor.instance, :encrypt_method => 'encrypt', :decrypt_method => 'decrypt' }.merge!(attr_encrypted_options).merge!(attributes.last.is_a?(Hash) ? attributes.pop : {}) options[:encode] = options[:default_encoding] if options[:encode] == true attributes.each do |attribute| encrypted_attribute_name = (options[:attribute] ? options[:attribute] : [options[:prefix], attribute, options[:suffix]].join).to_sym instance_methods_as_symbols = instance_methods.collect { |method| method.to_sym } attr_reader encrypted_attribute_name unless instance_methods_as_symbols.include?(encrypted_attribute_name) attr_writer encrypted_attribute_name unless instance_methods_as_symbols.include?(:"#{encrypted_attribute_name}=") define_method(attribute) do cached_value = instance_variable_get("@#{attribute}") value = cached_value && options[:type] == 'date' && cached_value.is_a?(Date) ? cached_value : nil value || instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}", decrypt(attribute, send(encrypted_attribute_name))) # instance_variable_get("@#{attribute}") || instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}", decrypt(attribute, send(encrypted_attribute_name))) end define_method("#{attribute}=") do |value| send("#{encrypted_attribute_name}=", encrypt(attribute, value)) instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}", value) end define_method("#{attribute}?") do value = send(attribute) value.respond_to?(:empty?) ? !value.empty? : !!value end encrypted_attributes[attribute.to_sym] = options.merge(:attribute => encrypted_attribute_name) end end alias_method :attr_encryptor, :attr_encrypted # Default options to use with calls to attr_encrypted # # It will inherit existing options from its superclass def attr_encrypted_options @attr_encrypted_options ||= superclass.attr_encrypted_options.dup end # Checks if an attribute is configured with attr_encrypted # # Example # # class User # attr_accessor :name # attr_encrypted :email # end # # User.attr_encrypted?(:name) # false # User.attr_encrypted?(:email) # true def attr_encrypted?(attribute) encrypted_attributes.has_key?(attribute.to_sym) end # Decrypts a value for the attribute specified # # Example # # class User # attr_encrypted :email # end # # email = User.decrypt(:email, 'SOME_ENCRYPTED_EMAIL_STRING') def decrypt(attribute, encrypted_value, options = {}) options = encrypted_attributes[attribute.to_sym].merge(options) if options[:if] && !options[:unless] && !encrypted_value.nil? && !(encrypted_value.is_a?(String) && encrypted_value.empty?) encrypted_value = encrypted_value.unpack(options[:encode]).first if options[:encode] value = options[:encryptor].send(options[:decrypt_method], options.merge!(:value => encrypted_value)) value = options[:marshaler].send(options[:load_method], value) if options[:marshal] value else encrypted_value end end # Encrypts a value for the attribute specified # # Example # # class User # attr_encrypted :email # end # # encrypted_email = User.encrypt(:email, '') def encrypt(attribute, value, options = {}) options = encrypted_attributes[attribute.to_sym].merge(options) if options[:if] && !options[:unless] && !value.nil? && !(value.is_a?(String) && value.empty?) value = options[:preencrypt] ? (value.is_a?(String) ? value.send(options[:preencrypt]) : value) : value value = options[:marshal] ? options[:marshaler].send(options[:dump_method], value) : value.to_s encrypted_value = options[:encryptor].send(options[:encrypt_method], options.merge!(:value => value)) encrypted_value = [encrypted_value].pack(options[:encode]) if options[:encode] encrypted_value else cleanse_value value, options end end # Cleans up the value to ensure we don't get empty strings the db when we should be getting nils. def cleanse_value(value, options) return nil if value.is_a?(String) && value.empty? && options[:type] == 'date' value end # Contains a hash of encrypted attributes with virtual attribute names as keys # and their corresponding options as values # # Example # # class User # attr_encrypted :email, :key => 'my secret key' # end # # User.encrypted_attributes # { :email => { :attribute => 'encrypted_email', :key => 'my secret key' } } def encrypted_attributes @encrypted_attributes ||= superclass.encrypted_attributes.dup end # Forwards calls to :encrypt_#{attribute} or :decrypt_#{attribute} to the corresponding encrypt or decrypt method # if attribute was configured with attr_encrypted # # Example # # class User # attr_encrypted :email, :key => 'my secret key' # end # # User.encrypt_email('SOME_ENCRYPTED_EMAIL_STRING') def method_missing(method, *arguments, &block) if method.to_s =~ /\A((en|de)crypt)_(.+)\z/ && attr_encrypted?($3) send($1, $3, *arguments) else super end end module InstanceMethods # Decrypts a value for the attribute specified using options evaluated in the current object's scope # # Example # # class User # attr_accessor :secret_key # attr_encrypted :email, :key => :secret_key # # def initialize(secret_key) # self.secret_key = secret_key # end # end # # @user ='some-secret-key') # @user.decrypt(:email, 'SOME_ENCRYPTED_EMAIL_STRING') def decrypt(attribute, encrypted_value) self.class.decrypt(attribute, encrypted_value, evaluated_attr_encrypted_options_for(attribute)) end # Encrypts a value for the attribute specified using options evaluated in the current object's scope # # Example # # class User # attr_accessor :secret_key # attr_encrypted :email, :key => :secret_key # # def initialize(secret_key) # self.secret_key = secret_key # end # end # # @user ='some-secret-key') # @user.encrypt(:email, '') def encrypt(attribute, value) self.class.encrypt(attribute, value, evaluated_attr_encrypted_options_for(attribute)) end def unencrypted_attributes attributes.each_with_object({}) do |a, new_hash| key = a.first value = a.last if key =~ /\A(.+)_enc\z/ key = $1 value = decrypt(key.to_sym, value) end new_hash[key] = value end end protected # Returns attr_encrypted options evaluated in the current object's scope for the attribute specified def evaluated_attr_encrypted_options_for(attribute) self.class.encrypted_attributes[attribute.to_sym].inject({}) { |hash, (option, value)| hash.merge!(option => (option == :preencrypt) ? value : evaluate_attr_encrypted_option(value)) } end # Evaluates symbol (method reference) or proc (responds to call) options # # If the option is not a symbol or proc then the original option is returned def evaluate_attr_encrypted_option(option) if option.is_a?(Symbol) && respond_to?(option) send(option) elsif option.respond_to?(:call) else option end end end end Object.extend AttrEncryption # require File.expand_path('attr_encryption/adapters/active_record.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'attr_encryption/adapters/active_record.rb'