// Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here.
// All this logic will automatically be available in application.js.
function prepBulkrax(event) {
var refresh_button = $('.refresh-set-source')
var base_url = $('#importer_parser_fields_base_url')
var initial_base_url = base_url.val()
var file_path_value = $('#importer_parser_fields_import_file_path').val()
// handle refreshing/loading of external sets via button click
$('body').on('click', '.refresh-set-source', function(e) {
external_set_select = $("#importer_parser_fields_set")
handleSourceLoad(refresh_button, base_url, external_set_select)
// handle refreshing/loading of external sets via blur event for the base_url field
$('body').on('blur', '#importer_parser_fields_base_url', function(e) {
// retrieve the latest base_url
base_url = $('#importer_parser_fields_base_url')
// ensure we don't make another query if the value is the same -- this can be forced by clicking the refresh button
if (initial_base_url != base_url.val()) {
external_set_select = $("#importer_parser_fields_set")
handleSourceLoad(refresh_button, base_url, external_set_select)
initial_base_url = base_url.val()
// hide and show correct parser fields depending on klass setting
$('body').on('change', '#importer_parser_klass', function(e) {
// observer for cloud files being added
var form = document.getElementById('new_importer');
if (form == null) {
var form = document.getElementsByClassName('edit_importer')[0];
// only setup the observer on the new and edit importer pages
if (form != null) {
var config = { childList: true, attributes: true };
var callback = function(mutationsList) {
for(var mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type == 'childList') {
browseButton = document.getElementById('browse');
var exp = /selected_files\[[0-9]*\]\[url\]/
for (var node of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (node.attributes != undefined) {
var name = node.attributes.name.value
if (exp.test(name)) {
browseButton.innerHTML = 'Cloud Files Added';
browseButton.style.backgroundColor = 'green';
browseButton.after(document.createElement("br"), node.value.toString())
var observer = new MutationObserver (callback);
observer.observe (form, config);
function handleFileToggle(file_path) {
if (file_path === undefined || file_path.length === 0) {
$('#file_path input').attr('required', null)
$('#file_upload input').attr('required', null)
} else {
$('#file_path input').attr('required', 'required')
$('#file_upload input').attr('required', null)
$('#importer_parser_fields_file_style_specify_a_path_on_the_server').attr('checked', true)
$('#file_path input').attr('required', null)
$('#file_upload input').attr('required', 'required')
$('#file_path input').attr('required', 'required')
$('#file_upload input').attr('required', null)
$('#file_path input').attr('required', null)
$('#file_upload input').attr('required', null)
function handleParserKlass() {
<% Bulkrax.parsers.map{ |p| p[:partial]}.uniq.each do |partial| %>
if($('.<%= partial %>').length > 0) {
window.<%= partial %> = $('.<%= partial %>').detach()
<% end %>
var parser_klass = $("#importer_parser_klass option:selected")
if(parser_klass.length > 0 && parser_klass.data('partial') && parser_klass.data('partial').length > 0) {
var file_path_value = $('#importer_parser_fields_import_file_path').val()
function handleBrowseEverything(){
var button = $("button[data-toggle='browse-everything']")
if(button.length == 0) { return; }
route: button.data('route'),
target: button.data('target')
}).done(function(data) {
var evt = { isDefaultPrevented: function() { return false; } };
if($('#fileupload').length > 0) {
var files = $.map(data, function(d) { return { name: d.file_name, size: d.file_size, id: d.url } });
$.blueimp.fileupload.prototype.options.done.call($('#fileupload').fileupload(), evt, { result: { files: files }});
return true
// User has submitted files; data contains an array of URLs and their options
}).cancel(function() {
// User cancelled the browse operation
}).fail(function(status, error, text) {
// URL retrieval experienced a technical failure
function handleSourceLoad(refresh_button, base_url, external_set_select) {
if (base_url.val() == "") { // ignore empty base_url value
var initial_button_text = refresh_button.html()
refresh_button.attr('disabled', true)
$.post('/importers/external_sets', {
base_url: base_url.val(),
}, function(res) {
if (!res.error) {
genExternalSetOptions(external_set_select, res.sets) // sets is [[name, spec]...]
} else {
setError(external_set_select, res.error)
refresh_button.attr('disabled', false)
function genExternalSetOptions(selector, sets) {
out = ''
out += sets.map(function(set) {
return ''
selector.attr('disabled', false)
function setError(selector, error) {
selector.attr('disabled', true)
$(document).on({'ready': prepBulkrax, 'turbolinks:load': prepBulkrax})