require "rails_helper" describe ::Dorsale::BillingMachine::Quotation do it { belong_to :customer } it { belong_to :payment_term } it { have_many(:lines).dependent(:destroy) } it { validate_presence_of :id_card } it { validate_presence_of :date } it { validate_presence_of :state } it { ensure_inclusion_of(:state).in_array(::Dorsale::BillingMachine::Quotation::STATES) } it { respond_to :date } it { respond_to :label } it { respond_to :vat_amount } it { respond_to :comments } it { respond_to :unique_index } it { respond_to :commercial_discount } it { respond_to :total_excluding_taxes } it { respond_to :total_including_taxes } it "should have a valid factory" do expect(create(:billing_machine_quotation)).to be_valid end describe "default values" do it "default date should be today" do expect( eq end it "default expires_at should be date + 1 month" do quotation = "21/12/2012") expect(quotation.expires_at).to eq Date.parse("21/01/2013") end it "default state should be pending" do expect( eq "pending" end end it "should work fine upon creation" do quotation = build(:billing_machine_quotation) quotation.lines << 1, unit_price: 10) quotation.lines << 1, unit_price: 10) end describe 'unique_index' do context 'when unique index is 69' do it 'should be assigned upon creation' do quotation1 = create(:billing_machine_quotation, date: '2014-02-01', unique_index: 69) quotation2 = create(:billing_machine_quotation, date: '2014-02-01') expect(quotation2.unique_index).to eq(70) end end context 'when unique index is nil' do it 'should be assigned upon creation' do ::Dorsale::BillingMachine::Quotation.destroy_all quotation1 = create(:billing_machine_quotation, date: '2014-02-01') expect(quotation1.unique_index).to eq(1) end end end describe 'tracking_id' do it 'should return correct tracking_id' do quotation = create(:billing_machine_quotation, date: '2014-02-01') expect(quotation.tracking_id).to eq('2014-01') end end describe "vat rate" do it "default vat rate should be 20" do expect( eq ::Dorsale::BillingMachine::DEFAULT_VAT_RATE end it "it should be specified vat rate" do expect(build(:billing_machine_quotation, vat_rate: 12).vat_rate).to eq 12 end it "it should be first line vat rate" do quotation = create(:billing_machine_quotation) line1 = create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, quotation: quotation, vat_rate: 10) line2 = create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, quotation: quotation, vat_rate: 10) expect(quotation.vat_rate).to eq 10 end it "it should raise if multiple vat_rates" do quotation = create(:billing_machine_quotation) line1 = create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, quotation: quotation, vat_rate: 10) expect{ line2 = create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, quotation: quotation, vat_rate: 15) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "it should raise when vat mode is multiple" do ::Dorsale::BillingMachine.vat_mode = :multiple quotation = build(:billing_machine_quotation) expect{ quotation.vat_rate }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe "totals" do it "should be calculated upon saving" do quotation = create(:billing_machine_quotation, commercial_discount: 10) create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, :vat_rate => 20, :quantity => 10, :unit_price => 5, :quotation => quotation, ) create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, :vat_rate => 20, :quantity => 10, :unit_price => 5, :quotation => quotation ) expect(quotation.total_excluding_taxes).to eq(90.0) expect(quotation.vat_amount).to eq(18) expect(quotation.total_including_taxes).to eq(108) expect(quotation.balance).to eq(108) end it "should be calculated upon saving with different vat rates" do Dorsale::BillingMachine.vat_mode = :multiple quotation = create(:billing_machine_quotation, commercial_discount: 20) create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, :quantity => 10, :vat_rate => 10, :unit_price => 5, :quotation => quotation, ) create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, :quantity => 10, :vat_rate => 20, :unit_price => 5, :quotation => quotation, ) expect(quotation.total_excluding_taxes).to eq(80) expect(quotation.vat_amount).to eq(12) expect(quotation.total_including_taxes).to eq(92) expect(quotation.balance).to eq(92) Dorsale::BillingMachine.vat_mode = :single end it "should work fine even with empty lines" do quotation = create(:billing_machine_quotation, commercial_discount: nil) create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, :quantity => nil, :unit_price => nil, :vat_rate => nil, :quotation => quotation, ) expect(quotation.total_excluding_taxes).to eq(0.0) expect(quotation.vat_amount).to eq(0.0) expect(quotation.total_including_taxes).to eq(0.0) expect(quotation.balance).to eq(0.0) end end describe "#create_copy!" do it "should duplicate infos, lines, and documents" do q = create(:billing_machine_quotation, label: "ABC") ql = create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, quotation: q, label: "DEF") pdf = create(:alexandrie_attachment, attachable: q) q2 = q.create_copy!.reload expect(q2).to be_persisted expect(q2.label).to eq "ABC" expect(q2.lines.count).to eq 1 expect(q2.lines.first.label).to eq "DEF" expect(q2.attachments.count).to eq 1 end it "should reset date" do q = create(:billing_machine_quotation, date: 3.days.ago) expect( eq expect(q.create_copy!.date).to eq end it "should reset unique_index, tracking_id, created_at, updated_at" do q1 = create(:billing_machine_quotation) q2 = q1.create_copy!.reload expect(q1.unique_index).to_not eq q2.unique_index expect(q1.tracking_id).to_not eq q2.tracking_id expect(q1.created_at).to_not eq q2.created_at expect(q1.updated_at).to_not eq q2.updated_at end it "should reset state to pending" do q1 = create(:billing_machine_quotation, state: "canceled") q2 = q1.create_copy! expect(q1.reload.state).to eq "canceled" expect(q2.reload.state).to eq "pending" end end describe "#to_new_invoice" do it "should convert quotation to invoice" do q = create(:billing_machine_quotation, label: "ABC") ql = create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, quotation: q, label: "DEF") i = q.to_new_invoice expect(i).to be_a Dorsale::BillingMachine::Invoice expect(i).to_not be_persisted expect(i.label).to eq "ABC" expect(i.lines.length).to eq 1 expect(i.lines.first.label).to eq "DEF" end it "should reset date" do q = create(:billing_machine_quotation, date: 3.days.ago) expect( eq expect( eq end it "should reset unique_index, tracking_id, created_at, updated_at" do q = create(:billing_machine_quotation, unique_index: 56544) i = q.to_new_invoice expect(i.unique_index).to_not eq q.unique_index expect(i.tracking_id).to_not eq q.tracking_id expect(i.created_at).to_not eq q.created_at expect(i.updated_at).to_not eq q.updated_at end end end