# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative './rich_text/node' ## # This module contains a number of structs representing nodes in a Contentful # rich text field. When the Model layer parses a Rich Text field from # Contentful, it is turned into a WCC::Contentful::RichText::Document node. # The {WCC::Contentful::RichText::Document#content content} method of this # node is an Array containing paragraph, blockquote, entry, and other nodes. # # The various structs in the RichText object model are designed to mimic the # Hash interface, so that the indexing operator `#[]` and the `#dig` method # can be used to traverse the data. The data can also be accessed by the # attribute reader methods defined on the structs. Both of these are considered # part of the public API of the model and will not change. # # In a future release we plan to implement automatic link resolution. When that # happens, the `.data` attribute of embedded entries and assets will return a # new class that is able to resolve the `.target` automatically into a full # entry or asset. This future class will still respect the hash accessor methods # `#[]`, `#dig`, `#keys`, and `#each`, so it is safe to use those. module WCC::Contentful::RichText ## # Recursively converts a raw JSON-parsed hash into the RichText object model. def self.tokenize(raw, context = nil) return unless raw return raw.map { |c| tokenize(c, context) } if raw.is_a?(Array) klass = case raw['nodeType'] when 'document' Document when 'paragraph' Paragraph when 'blockquote' Blockquote when 'text' Text when 'embedded-entry-inline' EmbeddedEntryInline when 'embedded-entry-block' EmbeddedEntryBlock when 'embedded-asset-block' EmbeddedAssetBlock when /heading\-(\d+)/ size = Regexp.last_match(1) const_get("Heading#{size}") else Unknown end klass.tokenize(raw, context) end Document = Struct.new(:nodeType, :data, :content) do include WCC::Contentful::RichText::Node end Paragraph = Struct.new(:nodeType, :data, :content) do include WCC::Contentful::RichText::Node end Blockquote = Struct.new(:nodeType, :data, :content) do include WCC::Contentful::RichText::Node end Text = Struct.new(:nodeType, :value, :marks, :data) do include WCC::Contentful::RichText::Node end EmbeddedEntryInline = Struct.new(:nodeType, :data, :content) do include WCC::Contentful::RichText::Node end EmbeddedEntryBlock = Struct.new(:nodeType, :data, :content) do include WCC::Contentful::RichText::Node end EmbeddedAssetBlock = Struct.new(:nodeType, :data, :content) do include WCC::Contentful::RichText::Node end (1..5).each do |i| struct = Struct.new(:nodeType, :data, :content) do include WCC::Contentful::RichText::Node end sz = i struct.define_singleton_method(:node_type) { "heading-#{sz}" } const_set("Heading#{sz}", struct) end Unknown = Struct.new(:nodeType, :data, :content) do include WCC::Contentful::RichText::Node end end