module FinePrint module ControllerAdditions # # Internally these methods think of contract names as strings, not symbols. # Any names passed in as symbols are converted to strings. # def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end def fine_print_skipped_contract_names @fine_print_skipped_contract_names ||= [] end # See the README def fine_print_return redirect_to session.delete(:fine_print_return_to) || root_path end module ClassMethods # See the README def fine_print_get_signatures(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} filter_options = options.except(*FinePrint::SIGNATURE_OPTIONS) fine_print_options = options.slice(*FinePrint::SIGNATURE_OPTIONS) # Convert all names to string names = args.flatten.collect{|n| n.to_s} class_eval do before_filter(filter_options) do |controller| contract_names = names - fine_print_skipped_contract_names # Bail if nothing to do return true if contract_names.blank? user = send FinePrint.raise_unless_signed_in(user) unsigned_contract_names = FinePrint.get_unsigned_contract_names(user, contract_names) return true if unsigned_contract_names.empty? # session[:fine_print_return_to] = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath}" # path = fine_print_options[:pose_contracts_path] || FinePrint.pose_contracts_path redirect_to path + (path.include?('?') ? '&' : '?') + {:terms => unsigned_contract_names}.to_query end end end # See the README def fine_print_skip_signatures(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} # Convert all names to string names = args.flatten.collect{|n| n.to_s} class_eval do prepend_before_filter(options) do |controller| fine_print_skipped_contract_names.push(*names) end end end end end end ActionController::Base.send :include, FinePrint::ControllerAdditions