#!/usr/bin/env ruby LIB_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'lib', 'lotu.rb') require File.expand_path(LIB_PATH) include Gosu::Button include Lotu class SteeringRuby < Actor def initialize(opts={}) super set_image 'CptnRuby Gem.png' use(SteeringSystem, opts) end def warp(x, y) @pos.x, @pos.y = x, y end end class Example < Game def initialize # This will call the hooks: # load_resources, setup_systems and setup_actors # declared in the parent class super # Custom setup methods for this class setup_input setup_events end def load_resources with_path_from_file(__FILE__) do load_images '../media' end end def setup_input set_keys(KbEscape => :close, MsRight => :reset_ruby) end def setup_systems # It's important to call super here to setup the InputSystem super use(FpsSystem) end def setup_actors @ruby = SteeringRuby.new(:mass => 0.3, :max_speed => 100, :max_turn_rate => 140) @ruby.warp(width/2, height/2) @ruby.activate(:evade) @ruby2 = SteeringRuby.new @ruby2.activate(:pursuit) @cursor = Cursor.new(:image => 'crosshair.png', :keys => {MsLeft => [:click, false]}) @window_info = TextBox.new(:size => 15) @window_info.watch(@systems[FpsSystem]) @window_info.watch(@cursor, :color => 0xffff0000) @window_info.text("Click to start the simulation") @window_info.text("One will pursuit while the other evades, right click to center evader on screen") @ruby_info = TextBox.new(:attach_to => @ruby, :size => 14) @ruby_info.watch(@ruby) end def setup_events @cursor.on(:click) do |x,y| @ruby.pursuer = @ruby2 @ruby2.evader = @ruby end end def reset_ruby @ruby.pos.x = width/2 @ruby.pos.y = height/2 end end Example.new.show