# Copyright Cloudinary if RUBY_VERSION > "2" require "ostruct" else require "cloudinary/ostruct2" end require "pathname" require "yaml" require "uri" require "erb" require "cloudinary/version" require "cloudinary/exceptions" require "cloudinary/missing" module Cloudinary autoload :Utils, 'cloudinary/utils' autoload :Uploader, 'cloudinary/uploader' autoload :BaseConfig, "cloudinary/base_config" autoload :Config, "cloudinary/config" autoload :AccountConfig, "cloudinary/account_config" autoload :BaseApi, "cloudinary/base_api" autoload :Api, "cloudinary/api" autoload :AccountApi, "cloudinary/account_api" autoload :Downloader, "cloudinary/downloader" autoload :Blob, "cloudinary/blob" autoload :PreloadedFile, "cloudinary/preloaded_file" autoload :Static, "cloudinary/static" autoload :CarrierWave, "cloudinary/carrier_wave" autoload :Search, "cloudinary/search" autoload :SearchFolders, "cloudinary/search_folders" CF_SHARED_CDN = "d3jpl91pxevbkh.cloudfront.net" AKAMAI_SHARED_CDN = "res.cloudinary.com" OLD_AKAMAI_SHARED_CDN = "cloudinary-a.akamaihd.net" SHARED_CDN = AKAMAI_SHARED_CDN USER_AGENT = "CloudinaryRuby/#{VERSION} (Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL})" @@user_platform = defined?(Rails.version) ? "Rails/#{Rails.version}" : "" # Add platform information to the USER_AGENT header # This is intended for platform information and not individual applications! def self.user_platform=(value) @@user_platform= value end def self.user_platform @@user_platform end def self.USER_AGENT if @@user_platform.empty? USER_AGENT else "#{@@user_platform} #{USER_AGENT}" end end FORMAT_ALIASES = { "jpeg" => "jpg", "jpe" => "jpg", "tif" => "tiff", "ps" => "eps", "ept" => "eps" } # Cloudinary config # # @param [Hash] new_config If +new_config+ is passed, Config will be updated with it # @yieldparam [OpenStruct] Config can be updated in the block # # @return [OpenStruct] def self.config(new_config=nil) @@config ||= make_new_config(Config) @@config.update(new_config) if new_config yield @@config if block_given? @@config end # Cloudinary account config # # @param [Hash] new_config If +new_config+ is passed, Account Config will be updated with it # @yieldparam [OpenStruct] Account config can be updated in the block # # @return [OpenStruct] def self.account_config(new_config=nil) @@account_config ||= make_new_config(AccountConfig) @@account_config.update(new_config) if new_config yield @@account_config if block_given? @@account_config end def self.config_from_url(url) config.load_from_url(url) end def self.config_from_account_url(url) account_config.load_from_url(url) end def self.app_root if defined? Rails::root # Rails 2.2 return String for Rails.root Rails.root.is_a?(Pathname) ? Rails.root : Pathname.new(Rails.root) else Pathname.new(".") end end private def self.config_env return ENV["CLOUDINARY_ENV"] if ENV["CLOUDINARY_ENV"] return Rails.env if defined? Rails::env nil end def self.config_dir return Pathname.new(ENV["CLOUDINARY_CONFIG_DIR"]) if ENV["CLOUDINARY_CONFIG_DIR"] self.app_root.join("config") end def self.set_config(new_config) new_config.each{|k,v| @@config.send(:"#{k}=", v) if !v.nil?} end # Builds config from yaml file, extends it with specific module and loads configuration from environment variable # # @param [Module] config_module Config is extended with this module after being built # # @return [OpenStruct] def self.make_new_config(config_module) import_settings_from_file.tap do |config| config.extend(config_module) config.load_config_from_env end end private_class_method :make_new_config # Import settings from yaml file # # @return [OpenStruct] def self.import_settings_from_file yaml_env_config = begin yaml_source = ERB.new(IO.read(config_dir.join("cloudinary.yml"))).result yaml_config = if YAML.respond_to?(:safe_load) YAML.safe_load(yaml_source, aliases: true) else YAML.load(yaml_source) end yaml_config[config_env] rescue StandardError {} end OpenStruct.new(yaml_env_config) end private_class_method :import_settings_from_file end # Prevent require loop if included after Rails is already initialized. require "cloudinary/helper" if defined?(::ActionView::Base) require "cloudinary/cloudinary_controller" if defined?(::ActionController::Base) require "cloudinary/railtie" if defined?(Rails) && defined?(Rails::Railtie) require "cloudinary/engine" if defined?(Rails) && defined?(Rails::Engine)