require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rake/tasklib' require 'date' require 'set' module GithubGem # Detects the gemspc file of this project using heuristics. def self.detect_gemspec_file FileList['*.gemspec'].first end # Detects the main include file of this project using heuristics def self.detect_main_include if File.exist?(File.expand_path("../lib/#{File.basename(detect_gemspec_file, '.gemspec').gsub(/-/, '/')}.rb", detect_gemspec_file)) "lib/#{File.basename(detect_gemspec_file, '.gemspec').gsub(/-/, '/')}.rb" elsif FileList['lib/*.rb'].length == 1 FileList['lib/*.rb'].first else nil end end class RakeTasks include Rake::DSL if Rake.const_defined?('DSL') attr_reader :gemspec, :modified_files attr_accessor :gemspec_file, :task_namespace, :main_include, :root_dir, :spec_pattern, :test_pattern, :remote, :remote_branch, :local_branch # Initializes the settings, yields itself for configuration # and defines the rake tasks based on the gemspec file. def initialize(task_namespace = :gem) @gemspec_file = GithubGem.detect_gemspec_file @task_namespace = task_namespace @main_include = GithubGem.detect_main_include @modified_files = @root_dir = Dir.pwd @test_pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' @spec_pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' @local_branch = 'master' @remote = 'origin' @remote_branch = 'master' yield(self) if block_given? load_gemspec! define_tasks! end protected def git @git ||= ENV['GIT'] || 'git' end # Define Unit test tasks def define_test_tasks! require 'rake/testtask' namespace(:test) do do |t| t.pattern = test_pattern t.verbose = true t.libs << 'test' end end desc "Run all unit tests for #{}" task(:test => ['test:basic']) end # Defines RSpec tasks def define_rspec_tasks! require 'rspec/core/rake_task' namespace(:spec) do desc "Verify all RSpec examples for #{}" do |t| t.pattern = spec_pattern end desc "Verify all RSpec examples for #{} and output specdoc" do |t| t.pattern = spec_pattern t.rspec_opts = ['--format', 'documentation', '--color'] end desc "Run RCov on specs for #{}" do |t| t.pattern = spec_pattern t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts = ['--exclude', '"spec/*,gems/*"', '--rails'] end end desc "Verify all RSpec examples for #{} and output specdoc" task(:spec => ['spec:specdoc']) end # Defines the rake tasks def define_tasks! define_test_tasks! if has_tests? define_rspec_tasks! if has_specs? namespace(@task_namespace) do desc "Updates the filelist in the gemspec file" task(:manifest) { manifest_task } desc "Builds the .gem package" task(:build => :manifest) { build_task } desc "Sets the version of the gem in the gemspec" task(:set_version => [:check_version, :check_current_branch]) { version_task } task(:check_version => :fetch_origin) { check_version_task } task(:fetch_origin) { fetch_origin_task } task(:check_current_branch) { check_current_branch_task } task(:check_clean_status) { check_clean_status_task } task(:check_not_diverged => :fetch_origin) { check_not_diverged_task } checks = [:check_current_branch, :check_clean_status, :check_not_diverged, :check_version] checks.unshift('spec:basic') if has_specs? checks.unshift('test:basic') if has_tests? # checks.push << [:check_rubyforge] if gemspec.rubyforge_project desc "Perform all checks that would occur before a release" task(:release_checks => checks) release_tasks = [:release_checks, :set_version, :build, :github_release, :gemcutter_release] # release_tasks << [:rubyforge_release] if gemspec.rubyforge_project desc "Release a new version of the gem using the VERSION environment variable" task(:release => release_tasks) { release_task } namespace(:release) do desc "Release the next version of the gem, by incrementing the last version segment by 1" task(:next => [:next_version] + release_tasks) { release_task } desc "Release the next version of the gem, using a patch increment (0.0.1)" task(:patch => [:next_patch_version] + release_tasks) { release_task } desc "Release the next version of the gem, using a minor increment (0.1.0)" task(:minor => [:next_minor_version] + release_tasks) { release_task } desc "Release the next version of the gem, using a major increment (1.0.0)" task(:major => [:next_major_version] + release_tasks) { release_task } end # task(:check_rubyforge) { check_rubyforge_task } # task(:rubyforge_release) { rubyforge_release_task } task(:gemcutter_release) { gemcutter_release_task } task(:github_release => [:commit_modified_files, :tag_version]) { github_release_task } task(:tag_version) { tag_version_task } task(:commit_modified_files) { commit_modified_files_task } task(:next_version) { next_version_task } task(:next_patch_version) { next_version_task(:patch) } task(:next_minor_version) { next_version_task(:minor) } task(:next_major_version) { next_version_task(:major) } desc "Updates the gem release tasks with the latest version on Github" task(:update_tasks) { update_tasks_task } end end # Updates the files list and test_files list in the gemspec file using the list of files # in the repository and the spec/test file pattern. def manifest_task # Load all the gem's files using "git ls-files" repository_files = `#{git} ls-files`.split("\n") test_files = Dir[test_pattern] + Dir[spec_pattern] update_gemspec(:files, repository_files) update_gemspec(:test_files, repository_files & test_files) end # Builds the gem def build_task sh "gem build -q #{gemspec_file}" Dir.mkdir('pkg') unless File.exist?('pkg') sh "mv #{}-#{gemspec.version}.gem pkg/#{}-#{gemspec.version}.gem" end def newest_version `#{git} tag`.split("\n").map { |tag| tag.split('-').last } { |v| }.max ||'0.0.0') end def next_version(increment = nil) next_version = newest_version.segments increment_index = case increment when :micro then 3 when :patch then 2 when :minor then 1 when :major then 0 else next_version.length - 1 end next_version[increment_index] ||= 0 next_version[increment_index] = next_version[increment_index].succ ((increment_index + 1)...next_version.length).each { |i| next_version[i] = 0 }'.')) end def next_version_task(increment = nil) ENV['VERSION'] = next_version(increment).version puts "Releasing version #{ENV['VERSION']}..." end # Updates the version number in the gemspec file, the VERSION constant in the main # include file and the contents of the VERSION file. def version_task update_gemspec(:version, ENV['VERSION']) if ENV['VERSION'] update_gemspec(:date, update_version_file(gemspec.version) update_version_constant(gemspec.version) end def check_version_task raise "#{ENV['VERSION']} is not a valid version number!" if ENV['VERSION'] && !Gem::Version.correct?(ENV['VERSION']) proposed_version =['VERSION'] || gemspec.version).dup) raise "This version (#{proposed_version}) is not higher than the highest tagged version (#{newest_version})" if newest_version >= proposed_version end # Checks whether the current branch is not diverged from the remote branch def check_not_diverged_task raise "The current branch is diverged from the remote branch!" if `#{git} rev-list HEAD..#{remote}/#{remote_branch}`.split("\n").any? end # Checks whether the repository status ic clean def check_clean_status_task raise "The current working copy contains modifications" if `#{git} ls-files -m`.split("\n").any? end # Checks whether the current branch is correct def check_current_branch_task raise "Currently not on #{local_branch} branch!" unless `#{git} branch`.split("\n").detect { |b| /^\* / =~ b } == "* #{local_branch}" end # Fetches the latest updates from Github def fetch_origin_task sh git, 'fetch', remote end # Commits every file that has been changed by the release task. def commit_modified_files_task really_modified = `#{git} ls-files -m #{modified_files.entries.join(' ')}`.split("\n") if really_modified.any? really_modified.each { |file| sh git, 'add', file } sh git, 'commit', '-m', "Released #{} gem version #{gemspec.version}." end end # Adds a tag for the released version def tag_version_task sh git, 'tag', '-a', "#{}-#{gemspec.version}", '-m', "Released #{} gem version #{gemspec.version}." end # Pushes the changes and tag to github def github_release_task sh git, 'push', '--tags', remote, remote_branch end def gemcutter_release_task sh "gem", 'push', "pkg/#{}-#{gemspec.version}.gem" end # Gem release task. # All work is done by the task's dependencies, so just display a release completed message. def release_task puts puts "Release successful." end private # Checks whether this project has any RSpec files def has_specs? FileList[spec_pattern].any? end # Checks whether this project has any unit test files def has_tests? FileList[test_pattern].any? end # Loads the gemspec file def load_gemspec! @gemspec = eval( end # Updates the VERSION file with the new version def update_version_file(version) if File.exists?('VERSION')'VERSION', 'w') { |f| f << version.to_s } modified_files << 'VERSION' end end # Updates the VERSION constant in the main include file if it exists def update_version_constant(version) if main_include && File.exist?(main_include) file_contents = if file_contents.sub!(/^(\s+VERSION\s*=\s*)[^\s].*$/) { $1 + version.to_s.inspect }, 'w') { |f| f << file_contents } modified_files << main_include end end end # Updates an attribute of the gemspec file. # This function will open the file, and search/replace the attribute using a regular expression. def update_gemspec(attribute, new_value, literal = false) unless literal new_value = case new_value when Array then "%w(#{new_value.join(' ')})" when Hash, String then new_value.inspect when Date then new_value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d').inspect else raise "Cannot write value #{new_value.inspect} to gemspec file!" end end spec = regexp ='^(\s+\w+\.' + Regexp.quote(attribute.to_s) + '\s*=\s*)[^\s].*$') if spec.sub!(regexp) { $1 + new_value }, 'w') { |f| f << spec } modified_files << gemspec_file # Reload the gemspec so the changes are incorporated load_gemspec! # Also mark the Gemfile.lock file as changed because of the new version. modified_files << 'Gemfile.lock' if File.exist?(File.join(root_dir, 'Gemfile.lock')) end end # Updates the tasks file using the latest file found on Github def update_tasks_task require 'net/https' require 'uri' uri = URI.parse('') http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE response = http.request( if Net::HTTPSuccess === response open(__FILE__, "w") { |file| file.write(response.body) } relative_file = File.expand_path(__FILE__).sub(%r[^#{@root_dir}/], '') if `#{git} ls-files -m #{relative_file}`.split("\n").any? sh git, 'add', relative_file sh git, 'commit', '-m', "Updated to latest gem release management tasks." else puts "Release managament tasks already are at the latest version." end else raise "Download failed with HTTP status #{response.code}!" end end end end