Sha256: 5a09fc58507fe70b1b60ed9d671fd846333dbd3dd17ad1d38cc806c346a37326
Contents?: true
Size: 1.75 KB
Versions: 1
Stored size: 1.75 KB
{:versionI"3.2.12 (Media Mark):EF:shaI"-f22b318723fa178deb41f94c725bb738fdc0bc46;F: contents"›o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode :@value[I"/* * This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.css, which will include all the files * listed below. * * Any CSS and SCSS file within this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets, * or vendor/assets/stylesheets of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path. * * You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at the top of the * compiled file, but it's generally better to create a new file per style scope. * */:ET: @type:normal;[ : @linei: @options{ o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode: @rule[I" .main; T: @tabsi :@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;[o:Sass::Selector::Class: @name[I" main; T;i:@filenameI"