require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class JewelerGeneratorInitializerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "given a nil github repo name" do setup do @block = lambda { } end should "raise an error" do assert_raise Jeweler::NoGitHubRepoNameGiven do end end end context "without git user's name set" do setup do Jeweler::Generator.any_instance.stubs(:read_git_config).returns({'' => ''}) end context "instantiating new generator" do setup do @block = lambda {'the-perfect-gem')} end should "raise no git user name exception" do assert_raise Jeweler::NoGitUserName do end end end end context "without git user's email set" do setup do Jeweler::Generator.any_instance.stubs(:read_git_config).returns({'' => 'foo'}) end context "instantiating new generator" do setup do @block = lambda {'the-perfect-gem')} end should "raise no git user name exception" do assert_raise Jeweler::NoGitUserEmail do end end end end context "without github username set" do setup do Jeweler::Generator.any_instance.stubs(:read_git_config). returns({'' => '', '' => 'foo'}) end context "instantiating new generator" do setup do @block = lambda {'the-perfect-gem')} end should "raise no github user exception" do assert_raise Jeweler::NoGitHubUser do end end end end context "without github username set" do setup do Jeweler::Generator.any_instance.stubs(:read_git_config). returns({'' => '', '' => 'foo', 'github.user' => 'technicalpickles'}) end context "instantiating new generator" do setup do @block = lambda {'the-perfect-gem')} end should "raise no github user exception" do assert_raise Jeweler::NoGitHubToken do end end end end context "with valid git user configuration" do setup do Jeweler::Generator.any_instance.stubs(:read_git_config). returns({'' => 'foo', '' => '', 'github.user' => 'technicalpickles', 'github.token' => 'zomgtoken'}) end context "for technicalpickle's the-perfect-gem repository" do setup do @generator ='the-perfect-gem') end should "assign 'foo' to user's name" do assert_equal 'foo', @generator.user_name end should "assign ' to user's email" do assert_equal '', @generator.user_email end should "assign github remote" do assert_equal '', @generator.github_remote end should "determine github username as technicalpickles" do assert_equal 'technicalpickles', @generator.github_username end should "determine github repository name as the-perfect-gem" do assert_equal 'the-perfect-gem', @generator.github_repo_name end should "determine github url as" do assert_equal '', @generator.github_url end should "determine target directory as the same as the github repository name" do assert_equal @generator.github_repo_name, @generator.target_dir end should "determine lib directory as being inside the target directory" do assert_equal File.join(@generator.target_dir, 'lib'), @generator.lib_dir end should "determine test directory as being inside the target directory" do assert_equal File.join(@generator.target_dir, 'test'), @generator.test_dir end should "determine constant name as ThePerfectGem" do assert_equal 'ThePerfectGem', @generator.constant_name end should "determine file name prefix as the_perfect_gem" do assert_equal 'the_perfect_gem', @generator.file_name_prefix end end end end