module Rudy::Routines::Handlers; module RyeTools include Rudy::Routines::Handlers::Base extend self # Create an instance of Rye::Box for +hostname+. +opts+ is # an optional Hash of options. See Rye::Box.initialize # # This method should be used throughout the Rudy::Routines # namespace rather than creating instances manually b/c it # applies some fancy pants defaults like command hooks. def create_box(hostname, opts={}) ld [:hostname, hostname, opts, caller[0]] opts = { :info => (@@global.verbose >= 2), # rudy -vv :debug => false, :user => current_machine_user, :ostype => current_machine_os || :unix, :impltype => :linux }.merge opts nickname = hostname if hostname.kind_of? Rudy::Machine hostname, nickname = hostname.dns_public, end box = hostname, opts box.nickname = nickname local_keys = Rye.keys box.add_keys local_keys if local_keys.is_a?(Array) box.add_key user_keypairpath(opts[:user]) # We define hooks so we can still print each command and its output # when running the command blocks. NOTE: We only print this in # verbosity mode. if !@@global.parallel && !@@global.quiet # This block gets called for every command method call. box.pre_command_hook do |cmd, user, host, nickname| print_command user, nickname, cmd end end if @@global.verbose > 0 && !@@global.quiet # And this one gets called after each command method call. box.post_command_hook do |ret| print_response ret end end box.exception_hook(::Rye::CommandError, &rbox_exception_handler) box.exception_hook(Exception, &rbox_exception_handler) ## It'd better for unknown commands to be handled elsewhere ## because it doesn't make sense to retry a method that doesn't exist ##box.exception_hook(Rye::CommandNotFound, &rbox_exception_handler) box end # Create an instance of Rye::Set from a list of +hostnames+. # +hostnames+ can contain hostnames or Rudy::Machine objects. # +opts+ is an optional Hash of options. See Rye::Box.initialize # # NOTE: Windows machines are skipped and not added to the set. def create_set(hostnames, opts={}) hostnames ||= [] ld "Creating set from:", hostnames.inspect opts = { :user => (current_machine_user).to_s, :parallel => @@global.parallel, :quiet => Rudy.quiet? }.merge(opts) set = current_machine_group, opts opts.delete(:parallel) # Not used by hostnames.each do |m| if m.is_a?(Rudy::Machine) m.refresh! if m.dns_public.nil? || m.dns_public.empty? if m.dns_public.nil? || m.dns_public.empty? ld "Cannot find public DNS for #{} (continuing...)" rbox = self.create_box('nohost', opts) else ld [:dns_public, m.dns_public, m.instid] rbox = self.create_box(m.dns_public, opts) end rbox.stash = m # Store the machine instance in the stash rbox.nickname = else # Otherwise we assume it's a hostname rbox = self.create_box(m) end rbox.add_key user_keypairpath(opts[:user]) set.add_box rbox end ld "Machines Set: %s" % [set.empty? ? '[empty]' : set.inspect] set end private # Returns a formatted string for printing command info def print_command(user, host, cmd) #return if @@global.parallel cmd ||= "" cmd, user = cmd.to_s, user.to_s prompt = user == "root" ? "#" : "$" li ("%s@%s%s %s" % [user, host, prompt, cmd.bright]) end def print_response(rap) # Non zero exit codes raise exceptions so # the erorrs have already been handled. return if rap.exit_code != 0 if @@global.parallel cmd, user = cmd.to_s, user.to_s prompt = user == "root" ? "#" : "$" li "%s@%s%s %s%s%s" % [,, prompt, rap.cmd.bright, $/, rap.stdout.inspect] unless rap.stderr.empty? le "#{}: " << rap.stderr.join("#{}: ") end else li ' ' << rap.stdout.join("#{$/} ") if !rap.stdout.empty? colour = rap.exit_code != 0 ? :red : :normal unless rap.stderr.empty? le (" STDERR " << '-'*38).color(colour).bright le " " << rap.stderr.join("#{$/} ").color(colour) end end end def rbox_exception_handler do |ex, cmd, user, host, nickname| print_exception(user, host, cmd, nickname, ex) unless @@global.parallel choice = Annoy.get_user_input('(S)kip (R)etry (F)orce (A)bort: ', nil, 3600) || '' if choice.match(/\AS/i) :skip elsif choice.match(/\AR/i) :retry # Tells Rye::Box#run_command to retry elsif choice.match(/\AF/i) @@global.force = true :retry else exit 12 end end end end def print_exception(user, host, cmd, nickname, ex) prefix = @@global.parallel ? "#{nickname}: #{cmd}: " : "" if ex.is_a?(::Rye::CommandError) le prefix << ex.message.color(:red) else le prefix << "#{ex.class}: #{ex.message}".color(:red) end le ex.backtrace if Rudy.debug? end end end