module AmazonProduct # Some shorthand notation for available operations. module Operations # Cart operations. def add_to_cart(params) cart 'Add', params end def clear_cart(params) cart 'Clear', params end def create_cart(params) cart 'Create', params end def get_cart(params) cart 'Get', params end def modify_cart(params) cart 'Modify', params end # Given up to ten item ids, returns some or all of the item attributes, # depending on the response group specified in the request. # # Id Type defaults to ASIN. # # Assuming you have a request object, the following returns some basic # information for the ASIN 0679753354: # # request.find('0679753354') # # The following request returns cover art for the same ASIN: # # req.find('0679753354', :response_group => 'Images') # def find(*item_ids) reset params = item_ids.last.is_a?(Hash) ? item_ids.pop : {} self.<<({ 'Operation' => 'ItemLookup', 'ItemId' => item_ids }.merge(params)) get end # Given a browse node ID, returns the specified browse node’s name, # children, and ancestors. def find_browse_node(browse_node_id, params = {}) reset self.<<({ 'Operation' => 'BrowseNodeLookup', 'BrowseNodeId' => browse_node_id }.merge(params)) get end # Given up to ten item ids, returns up to ten products per page that are # similar to those items. def find_similar(*item_ids) reset params = item_ids.last.is_a?(Hash) ? item_ids.pop : {} self.<<({ 'Operation' => 'SimilarityLookup', 'ItemId' => item_ids }.merge(params)) get end # Returns up to ten items that satisfy the search criteria, including one # or more search indices. # # Assuming you have a request object, the following searches the entire # Amazon catalog for the keyword 'book': # #'book') # # The following searches the books search index for the keyword 'lacan': # #'Books', 'lacan') # # The following runs a power search on the books search index for non- # fiction titles authored by Lacan and sorts results by Amazon's relevance # ranking: # #'Books', :power => 'author:lacan and not fiction', # :sort => 'relevancerank') # def search(search_index = nil, params = nil) reset if params.nil? params = { 'Keywords' => search_index } search_index = 'All' end if params.is_a? String params = { 'Keywords' => params } end self.<<({ 'Operation' => 'ItemSearch', 'SearchIndex' => search_index }.merge(params)) get end private def cart(operation, params) reset self.<<({ 'Operation' => "Cart#{operation}" }.merge(params)) get end end end