#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 Samuel G. D. Williams. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # This script takes a specified directory, and removes any directories that # don't match the supplied policy. Thanks to Scott Lu and his "snapfilter" # command which made me realise how complicated my first attempt at doing this # was. require 'pathname' require 'optparse' require 'set' require 'time' # Required for strptime require 'date' class Rotation def initialize(path, time) @path = path @time = time end attr :time attr :path # Sort in reverse order by default def <=> other return other.time <=> @time end def eql? other case other when Rotation @path.eql?(other.path) # && @time.eql?(other.time) else @path.eql?(other.to_s) end end def hash @path.hash end def to_s @path end end class Period KeepOldest = Proc.new do |t1, t2| t1 > t2 end KeepYoungest = Proc.new do |t1, t2| t1 < t2 end def initialize(count) @count = count end def filter(values, options = {}) slots = {} keep = (options[:keep] == :youngest) ? KeepYoungest : KeepOldest values.each do |value| time = value.time k = key(time) # We want to keep the newest backup if possible (<). next if slots.key?(k) and keep.call(value.time, slots[k].time) slots[k] = value end sorted_values = slots.values.sort return sorted_values[0...@count] end def key(t) raise ArgumentError end def mktime(year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) return Time.gm(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) end attr :count end class Hourly < Period def key(t) mktime(t.year, t.month, t.day, t.hour) end end class Daily < Period def key(t) mktime(t.year, t.month, t.day) end end class Weekly < Period def key(t) mktime(t.year, t.month, t.day) - (t.wday * 3600 * 24) end end class Monthly < Period def key(t) mktime(t.year, t.month) end end class Quarterly < Period def key(t) mktime(t.year, (t.month - 1) / 3 * 3 + 1) end end class Yearly < Period def key(t) mktime(t.year) end end class Policy def initialize @periods = {} end def <<(period) @periods[period.class] = period end def filter(values, options = {}) filtered_values = Set.new @periods.values.each do |period| filtered_values += period.filter(values, options) end return filtered_values, (Set.new(values) - filtered_values) end attr :periods end OPTIONS = { :Format => "%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S", :Destination => "./", :Policy => Policy.new, :PolicyOptions => {}, :Wet => true, :Latest => "latest" } ARGV.options do |o| script_name = File.basename($0) o.set_summary_indent(' ') o.banner = "Usage: #{script_name} [options] [directory]" o.define_head "This script is used to prune old backups." o.separator "" o.separator "Help and Copyright information" o.on("-f format", String, "Set the format of the rotated directory names. See Time$strftime") do |format| OPTIONS[:Format] = format end o.on("-d destination", String, "Set the directory that contains backups to prune.") do |destination| OPTIONS[:Destination] = destination end o.on("--dry-run", "Print out what would be deleted, but don't actually delete anything.") do OPTIONS[:Wet] = false end o.on("-l latest", String, "Specify the symlink name that points to the latest backup, so it won't be deleted.") o.separator "" o.on("--default-policy", "Sets up a typical policy retaining a reasonable number of rotations for up to 20 years.") do OPTIONS[:Policy] << Hourly.new(24) OPTIONS[:Policy] << Daily.new(7*4) OPTIONS[:Policy] << Weekly.new(52) OPTIONS[:Policy] << Monthly.new(12*3) OPTIONS[:Policy] << Quarterly.new(4*10) OPTIONS[:Policy] << Yearly.new(20) end o.separator "" o.on("--keep-oldest", "Keep older backups within the same period divsion (the default).") do OPTIONS[:PolicyOptions][:keep] = :oldest end o.on("--keep-youngest", "Keep younger backups within the same period division.") do OPTIONS[:PolicyOptions][:keep] = :youngest end o.on("--hourly count", Integer, "Set the number of hourly backups to keep.") do |count| OPTIONS[:Policy] << Hourly.new(count) end o.on("--daily count", Integer, "Set the number of daily backups to keep.") do |count| OPTIONS[:Policy] << Daily.new(count) end o.on("--weekly count", Integer, "Set the number of weekly backups to keep.") do |count| OPTIONS[:Policy] << Weekly.new(count) end o.on("--monthly count", Integer, "Set the number of monthly backups to keep.") do |count| OPTIONS[:Policy] << Monthly.new(count) end o.on("--quaterly count", Integer, "Set the number of quaterly backups to keep.") do |count| OPTIONS[:Policy] << Quarterly.new(count) end o.on("--yearly count", Integer, "Set the number of yearly backups to keep.") do |count| OPTIONS[:Policy] << Yearly.new(count) end o.separator "" o.on_tail("--copy", "Display copyright information") do puts "#{script_name}. Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Samuel Williams. Released under the MIT license." puts "See http://www.oriontransfer.co.nz/ for more information." exit end o.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") do puts o exit end end.parse! backups = [] Dir.chdir(OPTIONS[:Destination]) do Dir["*"].each do |path| next if path.match(OPTIONS[:Latest]) date_string = File.basename(path) begin backups << Rotation.new(path, DateTime.strptime(date_string, OPTIONS[:Format])) rescue ArgumentError puts "Skipping #{path}, error parsing #{date_string}: #{$!}" end end keep, erase = OPTIONS[:Policy].filter(backups) # We need to retain the latest backup regardless of policy if OPTIONS[:Latest] && File.exist?(OPTIONS[:Latest]) path = Pathname.new(OPTIONS[:Latest]).realpath.basename.to_s latest_rotation = erase.find { |rotation| rotation.path == path } if latest_rotation puts "Retaining latest backup #{latest_rotation}" erase.delete(latest_rotation) keep << latest_rotation end end if OPTIONS[:Wet] erase.sort.each do |backup| puts "Erasing #{backup.path}..." $stdout.flush # Ensure that we can remove the backup system("chmod", "-R", "ug+rwX", backup.path) system("rm", "-rf", backup.path) end else puts "*** Dry Run ***" puts "\tKeeping:" keep.sort.each { |backup| puts "\t\t#{backup.path}" } puts "\tErasing:" erase.sort.each { |backup| puts "\t\t#{backup.path}" } end end