#!/bin/bash --login if [[ $1 != "" && $2 != "" && $3 != "" ]]; then # Default Strategy is to merge codebase git config pull.rebase false git config commit.gpgsign true git pull origin master git add . --all echo 'Updating Gems to Latest Versions in Gemfile...' ./upgrade_Gemfile_gems.sh cryptum_autoinc_version git commit -a -S --author="${1} <${2}>" -m "${3}" ./upgrade_cryptum.sh # Tag for every 100 commits (i.e. 0.1.100, 0.1.200, etc) tag_this_version_bool=`ruby -r 'cryptum' -e 'if Cryptum::VERSION.split(".")[-1].to_i % 100 == 0; then print true; else print false; end'` if [[ $tag_this_version_bool == 'true' ]]; then this_version=`ruby -r 'cryptum' -e 'print Cryptum::VERSION'` echo "Tagging: ${this_version}" git tag $this_version git push origin $this_version fi else echo "USAGE: ${0} '' ''" fi