module Katello module Util module TaskStatus # The types hash below was introduced to simplify rendering of the status of various tasks/actions. It was # initially introduced to support System Event history and was later refactored, so that it may be used # for system groups...etc. Refer to the job.rb and system_task.rb for examples of it's usage. TYPES = { #package tasks :package_install => { :english_name => N_("Package Install"), :type => :package, # in the event_messages structure, the first element is used for status when the action/event is scheduled # (e.g. System->Packages pane, the second and third are used on the Event History for singular/plural :event_messages => { :running => [N_('Installing Package...'), N_('installing package...'), N_('installing packages...')], :waiting => [N_('Installing Package...'), N_('installing package...'), N_('installing packages...')], :finished => [N_('Package Install Complete'), N_('Package installation: "%{package}" '), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) installed')], :error => [N_('Package Install Failed'), N_('Package install failed: "%{package}"'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) install failed')], :cancelled => [N_('Package Install Canceled'), N_('%{package} package install canceled'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) install canceled')], :timed_out => [N_('Package Install Timed Out'), N_('%{package} package install timed out'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) install timed out')], }, :user_message => _('Package Install scheduled by %s'), }, :package_update => { :english_name => N_("Package Update"), :type => :package, :event_messages => { :running => [N_('Updating Package...'), N_('updating package...'), N_('updating packages...')], :waiting => [N_('Updating Package...'), N_('updating package...'), N_('updating packages...')], :finished => [N_('Package Update Complete'), N_('%{package} package updated'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) updated')], :error => [N_('Package Update Failed'), N_('%{package} package update failed'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) update failed')], :cancelled => [N_('Package Update Canceled'), N_('%{package} package update canceled'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) update canceled')], :timed_out => [N_('Package Update Timed Out'), N_('%{package} package update timed out'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) update timed out')], }, :user_message => _('Package Update scheduled by %s'), }, :package_remove => { :english_name => N_("Package Remove"), :type => :package, :event_messages => { :running => [N_('Removing Package...'), N_('removing package...'), N_('removing packages...')], :waiting => [N_('Removing Package...'), N_('removing package...'), N_('removing packages...')], :finished => [N_('Package Remove Complete'), N_('%{package} package removed'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) removed')], :error => [N_('Package Remove Failed'), N_('%{package} package remove failed'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) remove failed')], :cancelled => [N_('Package Remove Canceled'), N_('%{package} package remove canceled'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) remove canceled')], :timed_out => [N_('Package Remove Timed Out'), N_('%{package} package remove timed out'), N_('%{package} (%{total} other packages) remove timed out')], }, :user_message => _('Package Remove scheduled by %s'), }, #package group tasks :package_group_install => { :english_name => N_("Package Group Install"), :type => :package_group, :event_messages => { :running => [N_('Installing Package Group...'), N_('installing package group...'), N_('installing package groups...')], :waiting => [N_('Installing Package Group...'), N_('installing package group...'), N_('installing package groups...')], :finished => [N_('Package Group Install Complete'), N_('%{group} package group installed'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) installed')], :error => [N_('Package Group Install Failed'), N_('%{group} package group install failed'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) install failed')], :cancelled => [N_('Package Group Install Canceled'), N_('%{group} package group install canceled'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) install canceled')], :timed_out => [N_('Package Group Install Timed Out'), N_('%{group} package group install timed out'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) install timed out')], }, :user_message => _('Package Group Install scheduled by %s'), }, :package_group_update => { :english_name => N_("Package Group Update"), :type => :package_group, :event_messages => { :running => [N_('Updating package group...'), N_('updating package group...'), N_('updating package groups...')], :waiting => [N_('Updating package group...'), N_('updating package group...'), N_('updating package groups...')], :finished => [N_('Package group update complete'), N_('%{group} package group updated'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) updated')], :error => [N_('Package group update failed'), N_('%{group} package group update failed'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) update failed')], :cancelled => [N_('Package group update canceled'), N_('%{group} package group update canceled'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) update canceled')], :timed_out => [N_('Package group update timed out'), N_('%{group} package group update timed out'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) update timed out')], }, :user_message => _('Package Group Update scheduled by %s'), }, :package_group_remove => { :english_name => N_("Package Group Remove"), :type => :package_group, :event_messages => { :running => [N_('Removing Package Group...'), N_('removing package group...'), N_('removing package groups...')], :waiting => [N_('Removing Package Group...'), N_('removing package group...'), N_('removing package groups...')], :finished => [N_('Package Group Remove Complete'), N_('%{group} package group removed'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) removed')], :error => [N_('Package Group Remove Failed'), N_('%{group} package group remove failed'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) remove failed')], :cancelled => [N_('Package Group Remove Canceled'), N_('%{group} package group remove canceled'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) remove canceled')], :timed_out => [N_('Package Group Remove Timed Out'), N_('%{group} package group remove timed out'), N_('%{group} (%{total} other package groups) remove timed out')], }, :user_message => _('Package Group Remove scheduled by %s'), }, :errata_install => { :english_name => N_("Errata Install"), :type => :errata, :event_messages => { :running => [N_('Installing Erratum...'), N_('installing erratum...'), N_('installing errata...')], :waiting => [N_('Installing Erratum...'), N_('installing erratum...'), N_('installing errata...')], :finished => [N_('Erratum Install Complete'), N_('%{errata} erratum installed'), N_('%{errata} (%{total} other errata) installed')], :error => [N_('Erratum Install Failed'), N_('%{errata} erratum install failed'), N_('%{errata} (%{total} other errata) install failed')], :cancelled => [N_('Erratum Install Canceled'), N_('%{errata} erratum install canceled'), N_('%{errata} (%{total} other errata) install canceled')], :timed_out => [N_('Erratum Install Timed Out'), N_('%{errata} erratum install timed out'), N_('%{errata} (%{total} other errata) install timed out')], }, :user_message => _('Errata Install scheduled by %s'), }, :candlepin_event => { :english_name => N_("Candlepin Event"), :type => :candlepin_event, :event_messages => { }, :user_message => nil, }, :content_view_publish => { :english_name => N_("content view publish"), :type => :content_view_publish, }, :content_view_node_publish => { :english_name => N_("content view node publish"), :type => :content_view_node_publish, }, :content_view_refresh => { :english_name => N_("content view refresh"), :type => :content_view_refresh, }, }.with_indifferent_access TYPES.each_pair do |_name, value| value[:name] = _(value[:english_name]) end end end end