require 'git_tracker/standalone' describe GitTracker::Standalone do describe '#save' do before do File.delete 'git-tracker' if File.exist? 'git-tracker' end after do File.delete 'git-tracker' if File.exist? 'git-tracker' end it 'saves to the named file' do'git-tracker') expect(File.size('./git-tracker')).to be > 100 end it 'marks the binary as executable' do'git-tracker') expect(File).to be_executable('./git-tracker') end end describe '#build' do subject(:standalone_script) { } let(:io) { } it 'declares a shebang' do expect(standalone_script).to match(/#!.+/) end it 'includes generated code notice' do expect(standalone_script).to include('This file is generated') end it 'inlines the code' do expect(standalone_script).to include('Hook') expect(standalone_script).to include('Repository') expect(standalone_script).to include('PrepareCommitMessage') expect(standalone_script).to include('Runner') expect(standalone_script).to include('Branch') expect(standalone_script).to include('CommitMessage') expect(standalone_script).to include('VERSION') end it 'inlines the message HEREDOC' do expect(standalone_script).to include('#{preamble.strip}') end it 'inlines the shebang for the hook' do expect(standalone_script).to include('#!/usr/bin/env bash') end it 'does not inline the standalone code' do expect(standalone_script).to_not include('module Standalone') end it 'includes the call to execute the hook' do expect(standalone_script).to include('GitTracker::Runner.execute(*ARGV)') end it 'excludes requiring git_tracker code' do expect(standalone_script).to_not match(/^require\s+["']git_tracker/) end end describe '#ruby_executable' do subject(:standalone) { described_class } before do allow(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with('bindir') { '/some/other/bin' } allow(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with('ruby_install_name') { 'ruby' } end it 'uses user-level ruby binary when it is executable' do allow(File).to receive(:executable?).with('/usr/bin/ruby') { true } expect(standalone.ruby_executable).to eq('/usr/bin/ruby') end it 'uses rbconfig ruby when user-level ruby binary not executable' do allow(File).to receive(:executable?).with('/usr/bin/ruby') { false } expect(standalone.ruby_executable).to eq('/some/other/bin/ruby') end end end