require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/packagetask' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rake/contrib/rubyforgepublisher' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib', 'active_record', 'version') PKG_BUILD = ENV['PKG_BUILD'] ? '.' + ENV['PKG_BUILD'] : '' PKG_NAME = 'activerecord' PKG_VERSION = ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING + PKG_BUILD PKG_FILE_NAME = "#{PKG_NAME}-#{PKG_VERSION}" RELEASE_NAME = "REL #{PKG_VERSION}" RUBY_FORGE_PROJECT = "activerecord" RUBY_FORGE_USER = "webster132" PKG_FILES = FileList[ "lib/**/*", "test/**/*", "examples/**/*", "doc/**/*", "[A-Z]*", "install.rb", "Rakefile" ].exclude(/\bCVS\b|~$/) desc "Default Task" task :default => [ :test_mysql, :test_sqlite, :test_postgresql ] # Run the unit tests for adapter in %w( mysql postgresql sqlite sqlite3 firebird sqlserver sqlserver_odbc db2 oracle sybase openbase )"test_#{adapter}") { |t| t.libs << "test" << "test/connections/native_#{adapter}" t.pattern = "test/*_test{,_#{adapter}}.rb" t.verbose = true } end SCHEMA_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w(test fixtures db_definitions)) desc 'Build the MySQL test databases' task :build_mysql_databases do %x( mysqladmin create activerecord_unittest ) %x( mysqladmin create activerecord_unittest2 ) %x( mysql activerecord_unittest < #{File.join(SCHEMA_PATH, 'mysql.sql')} ) %x( mysql activerecord_unittest < #{File.join(SCHEMA_PATH, 'mysql2.sql')} ) end desc 'Drop the MySQL test databases' task :drop_mysql_databases do %x( mysqladmin -f drop activerecord_unittest ) %x( mysqladmin -f drop activerecord_unittest2 ) end desc 'Rebuild the MySQL test databases' task :rebuild_mysql_databases => [:drop_mysql_databases, :build_mysql_databases] desc 'Build the PostgreSQL test databases' task :build_postgresql_databases do %x( createdb activerecord_unittest ) %x( createdb activerecord_unittest2 ) %x( psql activerecord_unittest -f #{File.join(SCHEMA_PATH, 'postgresql.sql')} ) %x( psql activerecord_unittest2 -f #{File.join(SCHEMA_PATH, 'postgresql2.sql')} ) end desc 'Drop the PostgreSQL test databases' task :drop_postgresql_databases do %x( dropdb activerecord_unittest ) %x( dropdb activerecord_unittest2 ) end desc 'Rebuild the PostgreSQL test databases' task :rebuild_postgresql_databases => [:drop_postgresql_databases, :build_postgresql_databases] # Generate the RDoc documentation { |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc' rdoc.title = "Active Record -- Object-relation mapping put on rails" rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source' << '-A cattr_accessor=object' rdoc.template = "#{ENV['template']}.rb" if ENV['template'] rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README', 'RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS', 'CHANGELOG') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') rdoc.rdoc_files.exclude('lib/active_record/vendor/*') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('dev-utils/*.rb') } # Enhance rdoc task to copy referenced images also task :rdoc do FileUtils.mkdir_p "doc/files/examples/" FileUtils.copy "examples/associations.png", "doc/files/examples/associations.png" end # Create compressed packages dist_dirs = [ "lib", "test", "examples", "dev-utils" ] spec = do |s| = PKG_NAME s.version = PKG_VERSION s.summary = "Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM." s.description = %q{Implements the ActiveRecord pattern (Fowler, PoEAA) for ORM. It ties database tables and classes together for business objects, like Customer or Subscription, that can find, save, and destroy themselves without resorting to manual SQL.} s.files = [ "Rakefile", "install.rb", "README", "RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS", "CHANGELOG" ] dist_dirs.each do |dir| s.files = s.files + Dir.glob( "#{dir}/**/*" ).delete_if { |item| item.include?( "\.svn" ) } end s.add_dependency('activesupport', '= 1.3.1' + PKG_BUILD) s.files.delete "test/fixtures/fixture_database.sqlite" s.files.delete "test/fixtures/fixture_database_2.sqlite" s.files.delete "test/fixtures/fixture_database.sqlite3" s.files.delete "test/fixtures/fixture_database_2.sqlite3" s.require_path = 'lib' s.autorequire = 'active_record' s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = %w( README ) s.rdoc_options.concat ['--main', 'README'] = "David Heinemeier Hansson" = "" s.homepage = "" s.rubyforge_project = "activerecord" end do |p| p.gem_spec = spec p.need_tar = true p.need_zip = true end task :lines do lines, codelines, total_lines, total_codelines = 0, 0, 0, 0 for file_name in FileList["lib/active_record/**/*.rb"] next if file_name =~ /vendor/ f = while line = f.gets lines += 1 next if line =~ /^\s*$/ next if line =~ /^\s*#/ codelines += 1 end puts "L: #{sprintf("%4d", lines)}, LOC #{sprintf("%4d", codelines)} | #{file_name}" total_lines += lines total_codelines += codelines lines, codelines = 0, 0 end puts "Total: Lines #{total_lines}, LOC #{total_codelines}" end # Publishing ------------------------------------------------------ desc "Publish the beta gem" task :pgem => [:package] do"", "public_html/gems/gems", "pkg", "#{PKG_FILE_NAME}.gem").upload `ssh './'` end desc "Publish the API documentation" task :pdoc => [:rdoc] do"", "public_html/ar", "doc").upload end desc "Publish the release files to RubyForge." task :release => [ :package ] do `rubyforge login` for ext in %w( gem ) release_command = "rubyforge add_release activerecord activerecord 'REL #{PKG_VERSION}' pkg/activerecord-#{PKG_VERSION}.#{ext}" puts release_command system(release_command) end end