require "set" require_relative "base_stage" require_relative "../question" class StageB < BaseStage ## # range b1 # Process table data to generate match questions # @param table (Table) # @param list1 (Array) Rows that belong to this table # @param list2 (Array) List with similar rows (same table name) from the neighbours tables def run(table, list1, list2) questions = [] return questions if table.fields.count < 2 return questions unless concept.type == "text" if table.fields.count == 2 questions += process_table_match2fields(table, list1, list2, 0, 1) elsif table.fields.count == 3 questions += process_table_match2fields(table, list1, list2, 0, 1) questions += process_table_match2fields(table, list1, list2, 0, 2) elsif table.fields.count == 4 questions += process_table_match2fields(table, list1, list2, 0, 1) questions += process_table_match2fields(table, list1, list2, 0, 2) questions += process_table_match2fields(table, list1, list2, 0, 3) end questions end ## # Process table data to generate match questions # @param p_table (Table) # @param list1 (Array) Rows that belong to this table # @param list2 (Array) List with similar rows (same table name) from the neighbours tables # @param index1 (Integer) Use this field number # @param index2 (Integer) Use this field number def process_table_match2fields(p_table, list1, list2, index1, index2) questions = [] lang = concept.lang if list1.count > 3 list1.each_cons(4) do |e1, e2, e3, e4| e = [e1, e2, e3, e4] # Question type <b1match>: match 4 items from the same table e.shuffle! q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1match4x4-#{}" q.tags << "match" q.tags << "random" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [e[0][:data][index1], e[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[1][:data][index1], e[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[2][:data][index1], e[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[3][:data][index1], e[3][:data][index2]] questions << q q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1ddmatch4x4-#{}" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [e[0][:data][index1], e[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[1][:data][index1], e[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[2][:data][index1], e[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[3][:data][index1], e[3][:data][index2]] questions << q if list2.count.positive? # Add an extra line e.shuffle! q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1match4x5-#{}" q.tags << "match" q.tags << "random" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [e[0][:data][index1], e[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[1][:data][index1], e[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[2][:data][index1], e[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[3][:data][index1], e[3][:data][index2]] q.matching << ["", list2[0][:data][index2]] questions << q else e.shuffle! q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1match4x5_1misspelled-#{}" q.tags << "match" q.tags << "random" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [e[0][:data][index1], e[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[1][:data][index1], e[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[2][:data][index1], e[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[3][:data][index1], e[3][:data][index2]] q.matching << ["", lang.do_mistake_to(e[0][:data][index2])] questions << q end # Question type <b1match>: match 3 items from table-A and 1 item with error e.shuffle! q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1match4x4_1misspelled-#{}" q.tags << "match" q.tags << "random" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [e[0][:data][index1], e[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[1][:data][index1], e[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[2][:data][index1], e[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [lang.do_mistake_to(e[3][:data][index1]), lang.text_for(:misspelling)] questions << q q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1ddmatch4x4_1misspelled-#{}" q.tags << "match" q.tags << "random" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [e[0][:data][index1], e[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[1][:data][index1], e[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[2][:data][index1], e[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [lang.do_mistake_to(e[3][:data][index1]), lang.text_for(:misspelling)] questions << q if list2.count.positive? # Add an extra line error e.shuffle! q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1match4x5_1misspelled_1error-#{}" q.tags << "match" q.tags << "random" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [e[0][:data][index1], e[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[1][:data][index1], e[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[2][:data][index1], e[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [lang.do_mistake_to(e[3][:data][index1]), lang.text_for(:misspelling)] q.matching << ["", list2[0][:data][index2]] questions << q else # Add an extra line misspelled e.shuffle! q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1match4x5_2misspelled-#{}" q.tags << "match" q.tags << "random" q.tags << "misspelled" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [e[0][:data][index1], e[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[1][:data][index1], e[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [e[2][:data][index1], e[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [lang.do_mistake_to(e[3][:data][index1]), lang.text_for(:misspelling)] q.matching << ["", lang.do_mistake_to(e[0][:data][index2])] questions << q end end end if list1.count > 2 && list2.count.positive? s = list1.each do |i| s.add(i[:data][index1] + "<=>" + i[:data][index2]) end s.add(list2[0][:data][index1] + "<=>" + list2[0][:data][index2]) # Question 3 items from table-A, and 1 item from table-B if s.count > 3 q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1match4x4_1error-#{}" q.tags << "match" q.tags << "random" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [list1[0][:data][index1], list1[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [list1[1][:data][index1], list1[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [list1[2][:data][index1], list1[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [list2[0][:data][index1], lang.text_for(:error)] questions << q q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1ddmatch4x4_1error-#{}" q.tags << "match" q.tags << "random" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [list1[0][:data][index1], list1[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [list1[1][:data][index1], list1[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [list1[2][:data][index1], list1[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [list2[0][:data][index1], lang.text_for(:error)] questions << q q = = "#{name}-#{num}-b1match4x5_1error_1misspelled-#{}" q.tags << "match" q.tags << "random" q.text = random_image_for(name) \ + lang.text_for(:b1, name, p_table.fields[index1].capitalize, p_table.fields[index2].capitalize) q.matching << [list1[0][:data][index1], list1[0][:data][index2]] q.matching << [list1[1][:data][index1], list1[1][:data][index2]] q.matching << [list1[2][:data][index1], list1[2][:data][index2]] q.matching << [list2[0][:data][index1], lang.text_for(:error)] q.matching << ["", lang.do_mistake_to(list1[0][:data][index2])] questions << q end end questions end end