require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' describe "Feed" do before(:each) do @url = "http://test/feed" # set up fakeweb FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, @url, :body => File.expand_path('spec/feed.xml')) @feed = end it "should pull the feed" do @feed.xml.should_not be_nil end it "should create an xml doc" do @feed.doc.should_not be_nil"//station").size.should > 0 end # it "should error gracefully" do # FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, @url, :body => "Nothing to be found 'round here", # :status => ["404", "Not Found"]) # false.should == true # end describe "Parsing" do before(:each) do @stations = @feed.parse end it "should parse the feed and return stations" do @stations.size.should == 5 end it "should return instances of Station" do @stations[0].should be_an_instance_of TflTubeStations::Station end it "should hold station name" do @stations[0].name.should == "Acton Town" end it "should hold station address" do @stations[0].address.should == "Acton Town Station, London Underground Ltd., Gunnersbury Lane, London, W3 8HN" end it "should parse the station coordinates" do @stations[0].coordinates.should == "-.280251203536110600,51.502749773000570000,0" end it "should hold the entrances" do @stations[0].entrances.size.should == 1 @stations[0].entrances[0].should be_an_instance_of TflTubeStations::Entrance end it "should have entrance name" do @stations[0].entrances[0].name.should_not be_nil @stations[0].entrances[0].name.should == "Gunnersbury Lane" end it "should have an entrance entry to booking hall" do @stations[0].entrances[0].entry_to_bookinghall.should == "Level" end it "should have entrance booking_hall_to_platforms" do @stations[0].entrances[0].booking_hall_to_platforms.size.should == 2 @stations[0].entrances[0].booking_hall_to_platforms[0].should == {"EASTBOUND"=>"14, 14 stairs down"} end it "should have entrance platform_to_trains" do @stations[0].entrances[0].platform_to_trains.size.should == 2 @stations[0].entrances[0].platform_to_trains[0].should == {"District"=>"LEVEL_300"} end end end