# 1.3.1 ## Improvements * `:request_timeout` will be applied to all HTTP interactions until the final responses returned to the caller. That includes: * all redirect requests/responses (when using the `:follow_redirects` plugin) * all retried requests/responses (when using the `:retries` plugin) * intermediate requests (such as "100-continue") * faraday adapter: allow further plugins of internal session (ex: `builder.adapter(:httpx) { |sess| sess.plugin(:follow_redirects) }...`) ## Bugfixes * fix connection leak on proxy auth failed (407) handling * fix busy loop on deferred requests for the duration interval * do not further enqueue deferred requests if they have terminated meanwhile. * fix busy loop caused by coalescing connections when one of them is on the DNS resolution phase still. * faraday adapter: on parallel mode, skip calling `on_complete` when not defined.