Given /^(?:my email queue is empty|no emails have been sent)$/ do reset_mailer end When /^I open the email$/ do open_email(current_email_address) end When %r{^I follow "([^"]*?)" in the email$} do |link| visit_in_email(link) end Then /^I should receive (an|\d+) emails?$/ do |amount| amount = 1 if amount == "an" unread_emails_for(current_email_address).size.should == amount.to_i end Then %r{^"([^"]*?)" should receive (\d+) emails?$} do |address, n| unread_emails_for(address).size.should == n.to_i end Then %r{^"([^"]*?)" should have (\d+) emails?$} do |address, n| mailbox_for(address).size.should == n.to_i end Then %r{^"([^"]*?)" should not receive an email$} do |address| find_email(address).should be_nil end Then %r{^I should see "([^"]*?)" in the subject$} do |text| current_email.should have_subject("\\n", "\n"))) end Then %r{^I should see in the email:$} do |text| current_email.body.should =~"\\n", "\n")) end Then %r{^I should see "([^"]*?)" in the email$} do |text| current_email.body.should =~"\\n", "\n")) end When %r{^"([^"]*?)" opens? the email with subject "([^"]*?)"$} do |address, subject| open_email(address, :with_subject => subject) end When %r{^"([^"]*?)" opens? the email with text "([^"]*?)"$} do |address, text| open_email(address, :with_text => text) end When /^I click the first link in the email$/ do click_first_link_in_email end