# Playmo This is the special kit that allows you create html5-ready Rails 3 apps quick with pre-included few useful libs in your app. It includes: * [Compass](http://compass-style.org/) * [Jammit](https://github.com/documentcloud/jammit) - industrial strength asset packaging for Rails * [HTML5 Boilerplate](http://html5boilerplate.com/) * [Mootools](http://mootools.net) * [Jquery](http://jquery.com) * [Devise](https://github.com/plataformatec/devise) - flexible authentication solution for Rails * [Cancan](https://github.com/ryanb/cancan) - authorization gem for Rails * [Capistrano](https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano) - remote multi-server automation tool * Set of useful rails helpers *Don't forget that playmo supports only Rails 3 apps* ## How to install First, create new Rails 3 application $ rails new appname $ cd ./appname Then add to your Gemfile these lines group :development do gem 'playmo', :git => 'git://github.com/tanraya/playmo.git' end After that, run bundle to install necessary gems $ bundle After installing the files we need to generate playmo files in our application $ rails g playmo:install That's all. Now you can run your app: $ rails s *** ## What it does (details) * Installs JQuery or Mootools depending on your preference * Replaces default layout with HTML5-Boilerplate * Generates HomeController with index action and view * Generates a set of useful helpers in ApplicationHelper * Removes default rails javascripts * Replaces prototype-ujs with jquery-ujs or mootools-ujs * Installs devise, cancan and compass (and their dependencies) * Adds _User.current_ class method as alias for devise _current_user_ helper, thus you access to current user object from other models. ## Limitations Install the gem *only* into new empty app. Installation into ready apps is *only on your risk* because you may accidentally damage the files in your app.