module Lolita # Create mapping for routes. # Each mapping has name, like :posts, :files etc. # Also it accepts options: # * <tt>:singular</tt> - singular form for route, by default it call #singularize on _name_. # * <tt>:class_name</tt> - class that is related with route, by default it uses :singular, and classify it. It should be like "Post". # * <tt>:path_prefix</tt> - path starts with path prefix, like /path_prefix/lolita/posts. # * <tt>:path</tt> - path and path url methods starts with this path. # =====Example # lolita_for :posts, :path=>"admin" # # add paths like this to routes # # admin_posts GET /admin/posts {:controller=>"lolita/rest", :action=>:index} # # edit_admin_posts GET /admin/post/1/edit {:controller=>"lolita/rest",:action=>:edit} # * <tt>:module</tt> - change module for path, it changes <i>:controller</i> that is used for lolita, like, # <code>:module=>"admin"</code>, change controller to "admin/posts". If this is used without :path then no named routes will be generated # Instances of this class is used all over the Lolita, this class itself represent what name does resource has, # what controller to use, what model is related with it and so on. This is used to generate urls and paths. # Also eahc request containers information with mapping related to it. class Mapping attr_reader :class_name,:path,:singular,:plural,:path_prefix,:module,:as,:controllers,:ref attr_reader :visible, :only, :append_to, :title alias :name :singular def initialize(name,options={}) # TODO how it is when lolita plugin extend default path and there is module is this not break the logic? @as = options[:as] @title = options[:title] @to = options[:to].is_a?(String) ? options[:to].constantize : options[:to] @visible = options.keys.include?(:visible) ? options[:visible] : true @append_to = options[:append_to] @only = options[:only] || nil @plural = (options[:as] ? options[:as] : name).to_sym @singular = (options[:singular] || @plural.to_s.singularize).to_sym @class_name = (options[:class_name] || name.to_s.classify).to_s @ref = @class_name.to_s.camelize @path_prefix = options[:path_prefix] @path = (options[:path] || "lolita").to_s @module = options[:module] @default_mod = @module || "lolita" @controllers ={|h,k| h[k]=options[:controller] || "#{!@module && "lolita/"}#{k}" } end def controller "#{@default_mod}#{@default_mod && "/"}#{@plural}" end # Return class that is related with mapping. def to @to || (@ref.constantize rescue nil) end # full path of current mapping def fullpath "#{@path_prefix}/#{@path}".squeeze("/") end def url_name #TODO test what with namespace "#{@path}_#{@plural}" end def add_to_navigation_tree tree = Lolita.navigation if self.visible if self.append_to parent_branch = tree.branches.detect{|b| b.options[:system_name] == self.append_to} unless parent_branch parent_branch = tree.append(nil,:title => lambda{|branch| return ::I18n.t("lolita.navigation." + branch.options[:system_name]) }, :system_name => self.append_to ) end tree = parent_branch.children end unless tree.branches.detect{|b| b.object.is_a?(Lolita::Mapping) && b.object.ref == self.ref} tree.append(self, :title => @title) end end end end end