# Mechanics for writing to forms in #validate. module Reform::Form::Validate module Skip class AllBlank include Uber::Callable def call(form, params, options) # TODO: Schema should provide property names as plain list. properties = options.binding[:twin].representer_class.representable_attrs[:definitions].keys properties.each { |name| params[name].present? and return false } true # skip end end end # 1. Populate the form object graph so that each incoming object has a representative form object. # 2. Deserialize. This is wrong and should be done in 1. # 3. Validate the form object graph. def validate(params) deprecate_update!(params) # allow an external deserializer. block_given? ? yield(params) : deserialize(params) super() # run the actual validation on self. # rescue Representable::DeserializeError # raise DeserializeError.new("[Reform] Deserialize error: You probably called #validate without setting up your nested models. Check https://github.com/apotonick/reform#populating-forms-for-validation on how to use populators.") end # Meant to return params processable by the representer. This is the hook for munching date fields, etc. def deserialize!(params) # NOTE: it is completely up to the form user how they want to deserialize (e.g. using an external JSON-API representer). # use the deserializer as an external instance to operate on the Twin API, # e.g. adding new items in collections using #<< etc. # DISCUSS: using self here will call the form's setters like title= which might be overridden. params end private # Some users use this method to pre-populate a form. Not saying this is right, but we'll keep # this method here. # DISCUSS: this is only called once, on the top-level form. def deprecate_update!(params) return unless self.class.instance_methods(false).include?(:update!) warn "[Reform] Form#update! is deprecated and will be removed in Reform 2.1. Please use #prepopulate!" update!(params) end def deserialize(params) params = deserialize!(params) deserializer.new(self).from_hash(params) end # Default deserializer for hash. # This is input-specific, e.g. Hash, JSON, or XML. def deserializer # called on top-level, only, for now. deserializer = Disposable::Twin::Schema.from(self.class, include: [Representable::Hash::AllowSymbols, Representable::Hash], superclass: Representable::Decorator, representer_from: lambda { |inline| inline.representer_class }, options_from: :deserializer ) deserializer.apply do |dfn| next unless dfn[:twin] # Representer#each and #apply have to be unified. dfn.merge!( deserialize: lambda { |decorator, params, options| params = decorator.represented.deserialize!(params) # let them set up params. # FIXME: we could also get a new deserializer here. decorator.from_hash(params) # options.binding.deserialize_method.inspect } ) end deserializer end class DeserializeError < RuntimeError end end