Feature: bugreports As a CSL cite processor hacker I want the test bugreports_DuplicateSpaces to pass @bibliography @bugreports Scenario: Duplicate Spaces Given the following style: """ """ And the following input: """ [{"URL":"http://www.test01.com","author":[{"family":"D'Arcus","given":"Bruce","static-ordering":false}],"id":"ITEM-1","issued":{"date-parts":[[2006]]},"publisher":"Routledge","publisher-place":"New York","title":"Boundaries of Dissent: Protest and State Power in the Media Age","type":"book"}] """ When I render the entire bibliography Then the bibliography should be: """
B. D’Arcus, Boundaries of Dissent: Protest and State Power in the Media Age, New York: Routledge, 2006.