require 'spec_helper' require 'csv' describe 'RailsAdmin Export', type: :request do subject { page } before do Comment.all.collect(&:destroy) # rspec bug => doesn't get destroyed with transaction @players = 4.times.collect { FactoryGirl.create :player } @player = @players.first = FactoryGirl.create :team @player.draft = FactoryGirl.create :draft @player.comments = (@comments = 2.times.collect { FactoryGirl.create(:comment) }) @abstract_model = # removed schema=>only=>created_at @non_default_schema = { 'only' => [PK_COLUMN.to_s, 'updated_at', 'deleted_at', 'name', 'position', 'number', 'retired', 'injured', 'born_on', 'notes', 'suspended'], 'include' => { 'team' => {'only' => [PK_COLUMN.to_s, 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'name', 'logo_url', 'manager', 'ballpark', 'mascot', 'founded', 'wins', 'losses', 'win_percentage', 'revenue', 'color']}, 'draft' => {'only' => [PK_COLUMN.to_s, 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'date', 'round', 'pick', 'overall', 'college', 'notes']}, 'comments' => {'only' => [PK_COLUMN.to_s, 'content', 'created_at', 'updated_at']}, }, } end describe 'POST /admin/players/export (prompt)' do it 'allows to export to CSV with associations and default schema, containing properly translated header and follow configuration' do RailsAdmin.config do |c| c.model Player do include_all_fields field :name do export_value do "#{value} exported" end end end end visit export_path(model_name: 'player') have_content 'Select fields to export' select " ','", from: 'csv_options_generator_col_sep' click_button 'Export to csv' csv = CSV.parse page.driver.response.body.force_encoding('utf-8') # comes through as us-ascii on some platforms expect(csv[0]).to match_array ['Id', 'Created at', 'Updated at', 'Deleted at', 'Name', 'Position', 'Number', 'Retired', 'Injured', 'Born on', 'Notes', 'Suspended', 'Id [Team]', 'Created at [Team]', 'Updated at [Team]', 'Name [Team]', 'Logo url [Team]', 'Team Manager [Team]', 'Ballpark [Team]', 'Mascot [Team]', 'Founded [Team]', 'Wins [Team]', 'Losses [Team]', 'Win percentage [Team]', 'Revenue [Team]', 'Color [Team]', 'Custom field [Team]', 'Id [Draft]', 'Created at [Draft]', 'Updated at [Draft]', 'Date [Draft]', 'Round [Draft]', 'Pick [Draft]', 'Overall [Draft]', 'College [Draft]', 'Notes [Draft]', 'Id [Comments]', 'Content [Comments]', 'Created at [Comments]', 'Updated at [Comments]'] expect(csv.flatten).to include( + ' exported') expect(csv.flatten).to include( expect(csv.flatten).to include( expect(csv.flatten.join(' ')).to include(@player.comments.first.content.split("\n").first.strip) expect(csv.flatten.join(' ')).to include(@player.comments.second.content.split("\n").first.strip) end it 'allows to export to JSON' do visit export_path(model_name: 'player') click_button 'Export to json' have_content end it 'allows to export to XML' do visit export_path(model_name: 'player') click_button 'Export to xml' # spec fails on non 1.9 mri rubies because of this # waiting for fix (rails-3.1.4?) # and Mongoid with ActiveModel 3.1 does not support to_xml's :include options # (due change of implementation in ActiveModel::Serializers between 3.1 and 3.2) if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1\.9/ && (CI_ORM != :mongoid || (CI_ORM == :mongoid && ActiveModel::VERSION::STRING >= '3.2')) have_content end end it 'exports polymorphic fields the easy way for now' do visit export_path(model_name: 'comment') select " ','", from: 'csv_options_generator_col_sep' click_button 'Export to csv' csv = CSV.parse page.driver.response.body expect(csv[0]).to match_array ['Id', 'Commentable', 'Commentable type', 'Content', 'Created at', 'Updated at'] csv[1..-1].each do |line| expect(line[csv[0].index('Commentable')]).to eq( expect(line[csv[0].index('Commentable type')]).to eq(@player.class.to_s) end end end describe 'POST /admin/players/export format: :csv' do it 'exports with modified schema' do 'player', schema: @non_default_schema, csv: true, all: true, csv_options: {generator: {col_sep: ','}})) csv = CSV.parse page.driver.response.body expect(csv[0]).not_to include('Created at') end end end