@ebs Feature: EBS toolbox tests Tests the RightScale premium ServerTemplate Scenario: Run all EBS toolbox operational scripts # # PHASE 1) Launch a toolbox server and create an EBS stripe with "interesting" data on it. # How many servers do we need? Launch them all and figure it out later. # Given A EBS Toolbox deployment Then I should set a variation lineage Then I should set a variation stripe count of "3" Then I should set a variation volume size "3" Then I should set a variation mount point "/mnt/ebs" Then I should stop the servers Then I should launch all servers Then I should wait for the state of "all" servers to be "operational" Then I should create a new EBS stripe # # PHASE 2) Run checks for the basic scripts # Then I should test the backup script operations # # PHASE 3) restore the snapshot on another server # Then I should backup the volume Then I should test the restore operations # # PHASE 4) Do the grow EBS tests # Then I should test the restore grow operations # # Then I should test reboot operations on the deployment # Then I should stop the servers