require 'peddler/client' require 'excon' module MWS module FulfillmentOutboundShipment # The Fulfillment Outbound Shipment API enables you to fulfill orders placed # through channels other than Amazon's retail web site, using your inventory # in the Amazon Fulfillment Network. You can request previews of potential # fulfillment orders that return estimated shipping fees and shipping dates # based on shipping speed. You can get detailed item-level, shipment-level, # and order-level information for any existing fulfillment order that you # specify. You can also request lists of existing fulfillment orders based # on when they were fulfilled and by the fulfillment method associated with # them. class Client < ::Peddler::Client version "2010-10-01" path "/FulfillmentOutboundShipment/#{version}" # Lists fulfillment order previews # # @see # @param address [Struct, Hash] # @param items [Array] # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts Array[String] :shipping_speed_categories # @option opts [Boolean] :include_cod_fulfillment_preview # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_fulfillment_preview(address, items, opts = {}) if opts.key?(:include_cod_fulfillment_preview) opts['IncludeCODFulfillmentPreview'] = opts.delete(:include_cod_fulfillment_preview) end operation('GetFulfillmentPreview') .add(opts.update('Address' => address, 'Items' => items)) .structure!('Items', 'member') .structure!('ShippingSpeedCategories') run end # Requests that Amazon ship items from the seller's Amazon Fulfillment # Network inventory to a destination address # # @see # @param seller_fulfillment_order_id [String] # @param displayable_order_id [String] # @param displayable_order_date_time [String, #iso8601] # @param displayable_order_comment [String] # @param shipping_speed_category [String] # @param destination_address [Struct, Hash] # @param items [Array] # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts [String] :fulfillment_action # @option opts [String] :fulfillment_policy # @option opts [Array] :notification_email_list # @option opts [Struct, Hash] :cod_settings # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def create_fulfillment_order(seller_fulfillment_order_id, displayable_order_id, displayable_order_date_time, displayable_order_comment, shipping_speed_category, destination_address, items, opts = {}) if opts.key?(:cod_settings) opts['CODSettings'] = opts.delete(:cod_settings) end operation('CreateFulfillmentOrder') .add(opts .merge( 'SellerFulfillmentOrderId' => seller_fulfillment_order_id, 'DisplayableOrderId' => displayable_order_id, 'DisplayableOrderDateTime' => displayable_order_date_time, 'DisplayableOrderComment' => displayable_order_comment, 'ShippingSpeedCategory' => shipping_speed_category, 'DestinationAddress' => destination_address, 'Items' => items ) ) .structure!('Items', 'member') .structure!('NotificationEmailList', 'member') run end # Updates and/or requests shipment for a fulfillment order with an order # hold on it # # @see # @param seller_fulfillment_order_id [String] # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts [String] :fulfillment_action # @option opts [String] :displayable_order_id # @option opts [String, #iso8601] :displayable_order_date_time # @option opts [String] :displayable_order_comment # @option opts [String] :shipping_speed_category # @option opts [Struct, Hash] :destination_address # @option opts [String] :fulfillment_policy # @option opts [Array] :notification_email_list # @option opts [Array] :items # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def update_fulfillment_order(seller_fulfillment_order_id, opts = {}) operation('UpdateFulfillmentOrder') .add(opts.update('SellerFulfillmentOrderId' => seller_fulfillment_order_id)) .structure!('NotificationEmailList', 'member') .structure!('Items', 'member') run end # Gets a fulfillment order # # @see # @param seller_fulfillment_order_id [String] # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_fulfillment_order(seller_fulfillment_order_id) operation('GetFulfillmentOrder') .add('SellerFulfillmentOrderId' => seller_fulfillment_order_id) run end # Returns a list of fulfillment orders fulfilled on or after a date # # @see # @param query_start_date_time [String, #iso8601] # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def list_all_fulfillment_orders(query_start_date_time = nil) opts = query_start_date_time ? { 'QueryStartDateTime' => query_start_date_time } : {} operation('ListAllFulfillmentOrders').add(opts) run end # Returns the next page of fulfillment orders # # @see # @param next_token [String] # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def list_all_fulfillment_orders_by_next_token(next_token) operation('ListAllFulfillmentOrdersByNextToken') .add('NextToken' => next_token) run end # Returns delivery tracking information for a package in an outbound # shipment for a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order def get_package_tracking_details fail NotImplementedError end # Requests that Amazon stop attempting to fulfill an existing fulfillment # order # # @see # @param seller_fulfillment_order_id [String] # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def cancel_fulfillment_order(seller_fulfillment_order_id) operation('CancelFulfillmentOrder') .add('SellerFulfillmentOrderId' => seller_fulfillment_order_id) run end # Gets the operational status of the API # # @see # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_service_status operation('GetServiceStatus') run end end end end