# saddle Giddyup nerd! Wrangle your SOA. Saddle makes writing service clients as easy as giving high fives. :hand: It's a full-featured, generic consumer layer for you to build API client implementations with. ## about Ok, I love high fives, but what does Saddle do for me? Saddle is a framework that makes it exceptionally easy to write HTTP API clients. It abstracts away a lot of the repetitive work and lets you focus on your business logic. It also provides a simple middleware interface that makes it easy to extend functionality. Saddle enables you to create beautifully stable and functionaly API clients, in the fewest lines of code possible. ## features ### client * Specifying default connection settings for your client makes usage simple * Automatic call tree construction, based upon module/class namespace * Easily integrate with logging systems (currently supports statsd & Airbrake) * Support simple testing of your client ### requests * Post urlencoded or JSON (handles multipart file posts as well) * Auto-parse JSON responses * Strictly enforce request timeouts (client-wide or endpoint specific timeouts) ### error handling * Automatic retries with exponential backoff * Turns 4xx and 5xx responses into exceptions * If desired, silently return default values upon exception ## guide ### concrete example [saddle-example](https://github.com/mLewisLogic/saddle-example) ### client construction 0. For the sake of cleanliness, pick a namespace that everything related to your client should live in. For this example, we'll use __SaddleExample__ 1. Inherit your client class, __SaddleExample::Client__, from __Saddle::Client__ 2. Create an _endpoints_ directory at the same level as your client class file 3. Create endpoint classes in the _endpoints_ directory that inherit from __Saddle::TraversalEndpoint__ and are under the __SaddleExample::Endpoints__ namespace module 1. Give these endpoints methods that call _get_ or _post_ to perform the actual request 2. Their module/class namespace determines how they are accessed in the client's call tree. For example, the get\_all() in __SaddleExample::Endpoints::Fish::Guppy__ would be accessed by: client.fish.guppy.get_all() 3. If you need REST style endpoints like client.fish('guppy').catch() then check out __Saddle::ResourceEndpoint__ and how it's used in [saddle-example](https://github.com/mLewisLogic/saddle-example/blob/master/lib/endpoints/kitten.rb) 4. Initialize an instance of your client. ex: saddle_example_client = SaddleExample::Client.create ## todo * xml posting/parsing ## Code Status * [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mLewisLogic/saddle.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mLewisLogic/saddle) * [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/mLewisLogic/saddle.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/mLewisLogic/saddle) * [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/mLewisLogic/saddle.png)](https://gemnasium.com/mLewisLogic/saddle) ## License Saddle is released under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT).