# vagrant-sshfs A Vagrant plugin to mount a folder from the box to the host using sshfs. ## Why Common solutions for sharing folders with Vagrant include synced folder, which is pretty slow when dealing with many files, and NFS. NFS didn't work for me because of encrypted disk restrictions. An alternative was to mount a folder in the host machine pointing the a folder in the box with sshfs. ## Installation `vagrant plugin install vagrant-sshfs` ## Usage In the `Vagrantfile`, add a configuration like this: `config.sshfs.paths = { "src" => "mountpoint" }` `src` is the source absolute path to the folder in the box, `mountpoint` is the folder in the host machine. `mountpoint` can be an absolute path, or relative to the `Vagrantfile`. ## Contributing If you have issues or ideas, please contribute! You can create an issue throught Github, or send a Pull Request. ## Development To try this out, you can run `bundle exec vagrant up` from the source code checkout.