package org.embulk.output.ftp; import; import; import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPAbortedException; import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPClient; import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPCommunicationListener; import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPConnector; import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPDataTransferException; import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPDataTransferListener; import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPException; import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPIllegalReplyException; import org.embulk.config.Config; import org.embulk.config.ConfigDefault; import org.embulk.config.ConfigDiff; import org.embulk.config.ConfigException; import org.embulk.config.ConfigSource; import org.embulk.config.Task; import org.embulk.config.TaskReport; import org.embulk.config.TaskSource; import org.embulk.config.UserDataException; import org.embulk.spi.Buffer; import org.embulk.spi.Exec; import org.embulk.spi.FileOutputPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.TransactionalFileOutput; import org.embulk.spi.util.RetryExecutor.RetryGiveupException; import org.embulk.spi.util.RetryExecutor.Retryable; import org.embulk.util.ftp.SSLPlugins; import org.embulk.util.ftp.SSLPlugins.SSLPluginConfig; import org.slf4j.Logger; import static org.embulk.spi.util.RetryExecutor.retryExecutor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.List; public class FtpFileOutputPlugin implements FileOutputPlugin { public interface PluginTask extends Task, SSLPlugins.SSLPluginTask { @Config("host") String getHost(); @Config("port") @ConfigDefault("null") Optional getPort(); void setPort(Optional port); @Config("user") @ConfigDefault("null") Optional getUser(); @Config("password") @ConfigDefault("null") Optional getPassword(); @Config("passive_mode") @ConfigDefault("true") boolean getPassiveMode(); @Config("ascii_mode") @ConfigDefault("false") boolean getAsciiMode(); @Config("ssl") @ConfigDefault("false") boolean getSsl(); @Config("ssl_explicit") @ConfigDefault("true") boolean getSslExplicit(); SSLPluginConfig getSSLConfig(); void setSSLConfig(SSLPluginConfig config); @Config("path_prefix") String getPathPrefix(); @Config("file_ext") String getFileNameExtension(); @Config("sequence_format") @ConfigDefault("\"%03d.%02d\"") String getSequenceFormat(); @Config("max_connection_retry") @ConfigDefault("10") // 10 times retry to connect FTP server if failed. int getMaxConnectionRetry(); @Config("directory_separator") @ConfigDefault("\"/\"") String getDirectorySeparator(); } private static final Logger log = Exec.getLogger(FtpFileOutputPlugin.class); private static final Integer FTP_DEFULAT_PORT = 21; private static final Integer FTPS_DEFAULT_PORT = 990; private static final Integer FTPES_DEFAULT_PORT = 21; private static final long TRANSFER_NOTICE_BYTES = 100 * 1024 * 1024; @Override public ConfigDiff transaction(ConfigSource config, int taskCount, FileOutputPlugin.Control control) { PluginTask task = config.loadConfig(PluginTask.class); task.setSSLConfig(SSLPlugins.configure(task)); // try to check if plugin could connect to FTP server FTPClient client = null; try { client = newFTPClient(log, task); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ConfigException("Faild to connect to FTP server", ex); } finally { disconnectClient(client); } return resume(task.dump(), taskCount, control); } @Override public ConfigDiff resume(TaskSource taskSource, int taskCount, FileOutputPlugin.Control control) {; return Exec.newConfigDiff(); } @Override public void cleanup(TaskSource taskSource, int taskCount, List successTaskReports) { } @Override public TransactionalFileOutput open(TaskSource taskSource, final int taskIndex) { final PluginTask task = taskSource.loadTask(PluginTask.class); FTPClient client = newFTPClient(log, task); return new FtpFileOutput(client, task, taskIndex); } public static class FtpFileOutput implements TransactionalFileOutput { private final FTPClient client; private final String pathPrefix; private final String sequenceFormat; private final String pathSuffix; private final int maxConnectionRetry; private final String separator; private BufferedOutputStream output = null; private int fileIndex; private File file; private String filePath; private String remoteDirectory; private int taskIndex; public FtpFileOutput(FTPClient client, PluginTask task, int taskIndex) { this.client = client; this.taskIndex = taskIndex; this.pathPrefix = task.getPathPrefix(); this.sequenceFormat = task.getSequenceFormat(); this.pathSuffix = task.getFileNameExtension(); this.maxConnectionRetry = task.getMaxConnectionRetry(); this.separator = task.getDirectorySeparator(); } @Override public void nextFile() { closeFile(); try { String suffix = pathSuffix; if (!suffix.startsWith(".")) { suffix = "." + suffix; } filePath = pathPrefix + String.format(sequenceFormat, taskIndex, fileIndex) + suffix; if (!filePath.startsWith(separator)) { filePath = separator + filePath; } remoteDirectory = getRemoteDirectory(filePath, separator); file = Exec.getTempFileSpace().createTempFile(filePath, "tmp");"Writing local temporary file \"{}\"", file.getAbsolutePath()); output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } private void closeFile() { if (output != null) { try { output.close(); fileIndex++; } catch (IOException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } } @Override public void add(Buffer buffer) { try { output.write(buffer.array(), buffer.offset(), buffer.limit()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } finally { buffer.release(); } } @Override public void finish() { close(); uploadFile(); disconnectClient(client); } private Void uploadFile() { if (filePath != null) { try { return retryExecutor() .withRetryLimit(maxConnectionRetry) .withInitialRetryWait(500) .withMaxRetryWait(30 * 1000) .runInterruptible(new Retryable() { @Override public Void call() throws FTPIllegalReplyException, FTPException, FTPDataTransferException, FTPAbortedException, IOException, RetryGiveupException { try { client.changeDirectory(remoteDirectory); } catch (FTPException e) { try { client.createDirectory(remoteDirectory); } catch (FTPException e1) { if (e1.getCode() == 550) { // Create directory operation failed throw new OperationDeniedException(e1); } } } client.upload(filePath, new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)), 0L, 0L, new LoggingTransferListener(file.getAbsolutePath(), filePath, log, TRANSFER_NOTICE_BYTES) ); if (!file.delete()) { throw new ConfigException("Couldn't delete local file " + file.getAbsolutePath()); }"Deleted local temporary file \"{}\"", file.getAbsolutePath()); return null; } @Override public boolean isRetryableException(Exception exception) { return true; } @Override public void onRetry(Exception exception, int retryCount, int retryLimit, int retryWait) throws RetryGiveupException { if (exception instanceof ConfigException) { throw new RetryGiveupException(exception); } else if (exception instanceof OperationDeniedException) { throw new ConfigException(exception); } String message = String.format("FTP put request failed. Retrying %d/%d after %d seconds. Message: %s", retryCount, retryLimit, retryWait / 1000, exception.getMessage()); if (retryCount % 3 == 0) { log.warn(message, exception); } else { log.warn(message); } } @Override public void onGiveup(Exception firstException, Exception lastException) throws RetryGiveupException { } }); } catch (RetryGiveupException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex.getCause()); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } return null; } @Override public void close() { closeFile(); } @Override public void abort() {} @Override public TaskReport commit() { return Exec.newTaskReport(); } private String getRemoteDirectory(String filePath, String separator) { Path path = Paths.get(filePath); if (path.getParent() == null) { return separator; } String parent = path.getParent().toString(); if (!parent.startsWith(separator)) { parent = separator + parent; } return parent; } public class OperationDeniedException extends RuntimeException implements UserDataException { protected OperationDeniedException() { } public OperationDeniedException(String message) { super(message); } public OperationDeniedException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } } private static FTPClient newFTPClient(Logger log, PluginTask task) { FTPClient client = new FTPClient(); Integer defaultPort = FTP_DEFULAT_PORT; try { if (task.getSsl()) { client.setSSLSocketFactory(SSLPlugins.newSSLSocketFactory(task.getSSLConfig(), task.getHost())); if (task.getSslExplicit()) { client.setSecurity(FTPClient.SECURITY_FTPES); defaultPort = FTPES_DEFAULT_PORT;"Using FTPES(FTPS/explicit) mode"); } else { client.setSecurity(FTPClient.SECURITY_FTPS); defaultPort = FTPS_DEFAULT_PORT;"Using FTPS(FTPS/implicit) mode"); } } if (!task.getPort().isPresent()) { task.setPort(Optional.of(defaultPort)); } client.addCommunicationListener(new LoggingCommunicationListner(log)); // TODO configurable timeout parameters client.setAutoNoopTimeout(3000); FTPConnector con = client.getConnector(); con.setConnectionTimeout(30); con.setReadTimeout(60); con.setCloseTimeout(60); // for commons-net client //client.setControlKeepAliveTimeout //client.setConnectTimeout //client.setSoTimeout //client.setDataTimeout //client.setAutodetectUTF8 client = connect(client, task); if (task.getUser().isPresent()) {"Logging in with user {}", task.getUser().get()); client.login(task.getUser().get(), task.getPassword().or("")); }"Using passive mode"); client.setPassive(task.getPassiveMode()); if (task.getAsciiMode()) {"Using ASCII mode"); client.setType(FTPClient.TYPE_TEXTUAL); } else {"Using binary mode"); client.setType(FTPClient.TYPE_BINARY); } if (client.isCompressionSupported()) {"Using MODE Z compression"); client.setCompressionEnabled(true); } FTPClient connected = client; client = null; return connected; } catch (FTPException ex) {"FTP command failed: {}, {}", ex.getCode(), ex.getMessage()); throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } catch (FTPIllegalReplyException ex) {"FTP protocol error"); throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } catch (IOException ex) {"FTP network error: {}", ex); throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } finally { disconnectClient(client); } } private static FTPClient connect(final FTPClient client, final PluginTask task) throws InterruptedIOException { try { return retryExecutor() .withRetryLimit(task.getMaxConnectionRetry()) .withInitialRetryWait(500) .withMaxRetryWait(30 * 1000) .runInterruptible(new Retryable() { @Override public FTPClient call() { try { if (task.getPort().isPresent()) { client.connect(task.getHost(), task.getPort().get());"Connecting to {}:{}", task.getHost(), task.getPort().get()); } else { client.connect(task.getHost());"Connecting to {}", task.getHost()); } } catch (FTPIllegalReplyException | FTPException | IOException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } return client; } @Override public boolean isRetryableException(Exception exception) { if (exception.getCause() != null) { if (exception.getCause() instanceof ConnectException && exception.getMessage().contains("Connection refused")) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public void onRetry(Exception exception, int retryCount, int retryLimit, int retryWait) throws RetryGiveupException { String message = String.format("FTP Put request failed. Retrying %d/%d after %d seconds. Message: %s: %s", retryCount, retryLimit, retryWait / 1000, exception.getClass(), exception.getMessage()); if (retryCount % 3 == 0) { log.warn(message, exception); } else { log.warn(message); } } @Override public void onGiveup(Exception firstException, Exception lastException) throws RetryGiveupException { } }); } catch (RetryGiveupException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new InterruptedIOException(); } } static void disconnectClient(FTPClient client) { if (client != null && client.isConnected()) { try { client.disconnect(false); } catch (FTPException | FTPIllegalReplyException | IOException ex) { // do nothing } } } private static class LoggingCommunicationListner implements FTPCommunicationListener { private final Logger log; public LoggingCommunicationListner(Logger log) { this.log = log; } public void received(String statement) { log.debug("< " + statement); } public void sent(String statement) { if (statement.startsWith("PASS")) { // don't show password return; } log.debug("> {}", statement); } } private static class LoggingTransferListener implements FTPDataTransferListener { private final String localPath; private final String remotePath; private final Logger log; private final long transferNoticeBytes; private long totalTransfer; private long nextTransferNotice; public LoggingTransferListener(String localPath, String remotePath, Logger log, long transferNoticeBytes) { this.localPath = localPath; this.remotePath = remotePath; this.log = log; this.transferNoticeBytes = transferNoticeBytes; this.nextTransferNotice = transferNoticeBytes; } public void started() {"Transfer started. local path:\"{}\" remote path:\"{}\"", localPath, remotePath); } public void transferred(int length) { totalTransfer += length; if (totalTransfer > nextTransferNotice) {"Transferred {} bytes", totalTransfer); nextTransferNotice = ((totalTransfer / transferNoticeBytes) + 1) * transferNoticeBytes; } } public void completed() {"Transfer completed. remote path:\"{}\", size:{} bytes", remotePath, totalTransfer); } public void aborted() {"Transfer aborted"); } public void failed() {"Transfer failed"); } } }