#!/usr/bin/env ruby -ws $h ||= false $t ||= false $d ||= false require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' require 'fileutils' require 'erb' if $h || ARGV.empty? || ($t && $d) then puts "usage: #{File.basename $0} [-d|-t] project" puts " -t = add project to subdir under 'trunk'" puts " -d = add project to subdir under 'dev'" exit end project = ARGV.shift abort "Project #{project} seems to exist" if test ?d, project # variables for erb: XIF = 'FI' + 'X' # prevents extra hits on my TAG reporter project, file_name, klass = Hoe.normalize_names project template_path = File.expand_path("~/.hoe_template") source_path = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "template") unless File.directory? template_path then FileUtils.cp_r source_path, template_path, :verbose => true paths = (Dir["#{template_path}/**/*"] + Dir["#{template_path}/**/.*"]).select { |f| File.file? f } FileUtils.chmod 0644, paths, :verbose => true FileUtils.chmod 0755, paths.grep(/bin\//), :verbose => true end FileUtils.cp_r template_path, project, :verbose => true Dir.chdir project do dirs = Dir["**/*"].select { |f| File.directory? f }.sort dirs.grep(/file_name/).each do |file| FileUtils.mv file, file.gsub(/file_name/, file_name), :verbose => true end paths = (Dir["**/*"] + Dir["**/.*"]).select { |f| File.file? f }.sort paths.each do |path| file = File.read path warn "erb: #{path}" File.open path, "w" do |f| f.puts ERB.new(file).result(binding) end end paths.grep(/file_name|\.erb$/).each do |file| new_file = file.sub(/file_name/, file_name).sub(/\.erb$/, '') FileUtils.mv file, new_file, :verbose => true end end if $d || $t then temp_dir = "#{project}.#{$$}" FileUtils.mv project, temp_dir, :verbose => true FileUtils.mkdir project, :verbose => true FileUtils.mv temp_dir, "#{project}/#{$d ? 'dev' : 'trunk'}", :verbose => true end WINDOZE = /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM puts puts "... done, now go fix all occurrences of '#{XIF}':" if WINDOZE then puts `findstr /N /S /C:#{XIF} #{project}\\*` else puts `find #{project} -type f | xargs grep -n #{XIF}`.gsub(/\A|\n/, "\n ") end